Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Once again i've taken a perfectly acceptable, nicely up-sloping fitness level and flushed it down the toily and hawked a loogey in after it. Never ceases to amaze (or depress) me how much i can lose in two weeks. Did chest today. 'Bout a week and a half overdue. Got to the second set of 3 with 200 and got 2 reps. That was all i had. Did do most of the rest of the workout, but it was bad. At any rate, i broke my habit of doing nothing at all, so maybe things'll look up from here. And i have tomorrow off, so i'm hoping to catch up on sleep. A week of not sleeping has not helped my motivation at all. Gunna try to get some workin' out in manana. How's the Mudder training treating you?

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Sorry. Every time I go to visit someone it take a week for everyone to recover. Bit sad really.

tough mudder training is going well considering I'm only a couple days into it. I'm tired and sober. mostly sober. It seems that I'm crankier than expected, but I'm gunna stick with it this go round.