Did deads today. Went all right, i guess. 5 x 340, 3 x 385, and 1 x 430. The last one felt pretty easy, so i piled on 30 mo' and tried 460 just for grins. Did get it to my shins, but the force was not with me--i failed. Funny, but it tore m' wee morale down. Funny 'cuz i really wasn't planning on maxing anyway, and i didn't do the right workup to max. But i ripped 430 up, and i imagined it would go. Could'a' used some ammonia up the nose i guess. i can see that i could use some speed work and rack work. Think i'm gunna shift the 5/3/1 thing to heavy pullups for a round, and do some rack pulls and straight leg deads too. On p'lups i managed a set of 20 bw, then 10 with +25, and 3 x 6 x +45. Then i did 3 x 30 on straight leg raises and call 'er a day. i'd like to climb on wed, and i have a project nagging me, and i want some vestiges of my back intact for it.
Also found out i probably won't be going to Roswell. That's fine. Only i don't have a clue where i'll be going instead. Little bit stressful, that. Biggest fear is that they'll swap my rotations around, leave me here next, and send me to BFE for when my baby's due. That'd bum me royally.
Any update on those rotations? it'd be grand to see you this weekend, but I understand you not wanting to be gone when numero cinco pops out.
Y yeah. I'm here next. Not much of a choice about my rotations. I'm mostly hoping I can get a"rural" rotation very close to here. Gettin a li'l bit edgy about it.
dude that does suck... I just found out I have to cancel the pilgramidge to New Braunfels for Wurstfest... **tear** I have a cadaver lab in lubbock or dallas, whichever one I can make it to... but whatever...
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