Sunday, March 3, 2013

High Functioning Cripple

i'll try to recap the last few workouts. Last monday (i think) i went in for a quick abs/ chest workout. I did some light bench--few sets of 10 with 135, then a set of 4 or 5 with 185. i'm still real anxious about jacking my shoulder up again. i really wanted to do db flyes, but there were swarms of folk on every flattish bench and i took a pass.  Abs was...painful. This time i did straight leg raises first: a set of 30, then a couple sets of maybe 20. Then i did decline crunches. Much harder after the straight legs.

For the remainder of the week i thought i might have hip arthritis. i just tore the poopey-doodey outta my left hip flexors. Only today do i feel like there might someday be hope that i might ever run again.

And on that note, if you have the opportunity to avoid putting Tiger Balm on yer yamsack, i would seize it. You'll sleep better.

Friday i went in for back and grippy. 3/3/3 day for both. Deads was 350, 400, and 450. i went in feeling a li'l anxious about how it was gonna go, seeing as i still couldn't actively flex my hip to 90 degrees. In the end i locked out 3 with 450 reasonably easily, although it took some teeth-grittin' and a growl on the last rep. But i think i could'a picked up a fourth; only i didn't try. And i regret that.

But dang! that's a weird sport, deadlifting. Not 4 weeks prior, i went in fairly rested and couldn't lock 4 reps with 50 lbs less. i've honestly come to believe that pre-workout Tums is the answer to pulling hard.

Finished back off with 4 sets of 12 on Good-mornings (1 x 95, then 3 x 105), and some bent o'er BB Rows (10 x 135, and 6 x 185). Only did a li'l of the rows, and skipped p'lups cuz i've been fighting biceps tendonitis for a very long time now.

On the Rolling Thunder, as mentioned above, it was 3/3/3 day. i'm working off of a 130 max, and rounded to the next highest nickle. Think it was 95, 105, and 120. That went well enough, so i tried a new ME and got 135 on each hand. That 5/3/1 thang applies pretty cleanly to the RT weights. i have a feeling that i'll keep bumping up on max weights for a while just cuz the movement/ muscle patterns are so different. But i gotta say that 200lbs on that thing seems like a boat-ride to Africa from here.

Also took the Hub with me. Still haven't quite figured out a proper workout on that thing. But i sorta like it. i've been doing a "workout" with timed hangs. So i'll put, say, 25 lbs on and hold for 20 secs on each hand. One or so reps of that, then add 5 lbs and hangs for maybe ten or 15 secs. (i try to keep 'em sorta symmetrical). Think i got somewhere in the vicinity of 8 secs on 35 lbs, so i tried 40. Definitely got 40# up on the right hand, and i got it off the ground on the left. Can't say i "locked it out" or had particularly good control of it, but she did relinquish hold of Terra Firma for a bit. So i'm gonna say the timed hangs are working for now.

So anyhow, i'm truly hoping to pull 5C on deads before i succumb to TB. i still have an indurated nodule on m' forearm from that ppd. i'd cherish your prayers that i don't actually have a disease. That'd be just fine.


R6Medic said...

prayers comin dude. Hooefully you only have antibodies to that there lunger stuff.

And what in the one legged jumping monkey are you doin puttin tiger balm on your taint? Are you some kinda massochistic douchenozzle?

c said...

'Preciate that, brutha! I did get a cxr yesterday and no cavitations. So that gives me hope. And I got an IGRA drawn, but that could take a few weeks to come back.

c said...

And i had high hopes the Tiger Balm would stay put right over iliopsoas. But it didn't.

Every night since then has just been masochism.