Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Did 2 sets of 30mins ARCing with a ten minute rest in between. Felt pretty good. They're getting easier.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Coupla workouts to log:

Friday ( 2 days ago) did some ARCing. Two sessions of 30mins each. That was hard and i sweated a lot. But i made it through. Toward the end of the Base Fitness phase you end up doing three days in a row of it, and the last session (if i 'member c'rectly) is 3 sets of 30 mins. That sounds hard right now, but i made it through 2 30min seshes; so i have pretty good confidence i can make it through.

Saturday (yesterday) went in to the gym for some back work. Was (again) s'posed to do 5/5/5 day on deads, but i was tired and not really feeling it. So i did the full workup from a deficit, and then decided to try 495 from a deficit. I failed twice, but they were valiant efforts. Little disappointed 'cuz i've locked 495 from a deficit before; but i think i woulda had it yesterday if i'd had my belt on. Did get it to my shins before i stalled.

Then did Good Mornings, which i'd not done for about 3 weeks. 4 sets of 12 with 135, 155, and 175 x 2. Those destroyed me, and i'm still suffering. i really like those things.

Then P'lups: 20 x bw, 10 x +25, and 2 x 5 x +45. (Last set i eked out a sixth rep). Then as i was racking my plate this older feller came up and asked if i was a Marine-- said i worked out like a Marine. I took that as a compliment. :)

Then one arm DB rows: 2 x 8ish x 90#. These felt hard, and my elbow flexors still feel kin'a cooked. Today and yesterday i've struggled with picking my kids up to hug 'em.

And i've finally bought all the materials for a Moon wall. Pictures forthcoming on that other blog.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Revvin up

Did a second session of ARCing today. Two sets of 25mins of traversing with about 15mins between ('cuz i was talking). Felt pretty good, and i felt like i kept the intensity up fairly well. Highlights for me how outta shape i am, but also how easy it could be to see some really exponential gains.

If i could turn some v5 power into cruising speed, i could onsight 'bout any 5.11 out there. And that'd be just fine.

Friday, June 13, 2014


S'posed to be 5/5/5 day on deads.

But i didn't do 'em.

Did do the warmup: 20 floor touches, 20 SLs with the bar, 12 SLs with 145, 8 SLs with 245, 5 deads with 345 and 1 with 445, all with 25# plates.

Then i did P'lups: 20 with BW (could've done more), 10 with +25#, 5 with +45. Can't honestly say i fully locked the last rep.

Then i did 1 arm pulldowns: 10 with 100, 8 with 130, 2 with 160 (cheated down the last rep on both arms). Little stale on these after the pullups. i'm ok with that.

Felt pretty durn good through this--no tendonitis-- only i wish i'd had a li'l more time.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 4

Climbed a 4th day in a row. S'posed to be 5/5/5 day on deads, but i wasn't feeling it. Instead i decided to do some "aerobic restoration & capillarity" (ARC) training. Basically amounts to climbing just below yer lactate threshold for a long time without stopping-- so moderate endurance climbing. I've been dreading these cuz i know i have not much endurance, but it went ok. Two sets of 20 minutes each to begin, with 5 or so mins' rest in between. I was sucking wind, and i fell a couple o times, but i made it. Definitely can see how this will make me a better climber. Haven't officially started a training cycle, but i gather the more (i.e. longer) i'm able to do these, the better it ends up in the performance phase. So if i can start out ahead of the curve, it won't hurt me down the road. Am planning to take the weekend off from climbing. Hopefully deads tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I've clumb now 3 days in a row. 'Ve tried to keep her light--doing lots of routes and traversing, etc. But mostly i've been short on time, and've ended up bouldering. Notwithstanding, that ends up being a bunch of fairly light climbing cuz they tend not to put up any hard routes at the wall. Today was the most disciplined day this week. Actually did a warmup, and then threw on the harness and got 6 routes (all on toprope) in about 20 mins. Nice warm pump; no injuries. Am gunna hafta take a few days off though. Tendons are getting a smidge ragged. But i can feel my endurance improving.

Friday, June 6, 2014

shoveling me back on the wagon

Went in for de-load deads. Warmed up with deficits: 20 floor touches, 20x the bar, 12 x 145, 8 x 245, 5 x 345. Working sets were 6 sets of 3 for speed. Did a set with 350, but didn't like the speed. Dropped to 15 to 335 but didn't like the speed. Dropped to 315 for 4 more sets, and those were just about right. Didn't get enough sleep last night, and felt a li'l sluggish.

Then i engaged in an exercise called "dips" which conscript motor units from the "triceps" muscles (among some even more obscure bits of soft tissue). Now, these muscles apparently repose on the backs of the arms; and mine, when called upon, decided they disliked me, and made me nearly nauseous.

2 x 15 BW (all were BW btw), 1 x 12, 1 x 10, cooked. Made a conscientious point of really stabilizing my shoulders before i started, and i came out without a shoulder injury. Gunna hafta work back into these, though.

Called it without doing more back cuz my biceps are not healed, and we're not yet on speaking terms.

Planning on heading back for some climbling later today.

I may even do some "abs" work. I'm presently just over a week in without cheese of any sort. Man, i freakin' love cheese. Food is just nearly pointless without it. Might end up being the healthiest thing i've ever done. Bleh.