Friday, June 6, 2014

shoveling me back on the wagon

Went in for de-load deads. Warmed up with deficits: 20 floor touches, 20x the bar, 12 x 145, 8 x 245, 5 x 345. Working sets were 6 sets of 3 for speed. Did a set with 350, but didn't like the speed. Dropped to 15 to 335 but didn't like the speed. Dropped to 315 for 4 more sets, and those were just about right. Didn't get enough sleep last night, and felt a li'l sluggish.

Then i engaged in an exercise called "dips" which conscript motor units from the "triceps" muscles (among some even more obscure bits of soft tissue). Now, these muscles apparently repose on the backs of the arms; and mine, when called upon, decided they disliked me, and made me nearly nauseous.

2 x 15 BW (all were BW btw), 1 x 12, 1 x 10, cooked. Made a conscientious point of really stabilizing my shoulders before i started, and i came out without a shoulder injury. Gunna hafta work back into these, though.

Called it without doing more back cuz my biceps are not healed, and we're not yet on speaking terms.

Planning on heading back for some climbling later today.

I may even do some "abs" work. I'm presently just over a week in without cheese of any sort. Man, i freakin' love cheese. Food is just nearly pointless without it. Might end up being the healthiest thing i've ever done. Bleh.

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