Tuesday, September 24, 2019

S:11 Hangboarding Propa'

Posted earlier today about Enduro Hangboarding. Have, though, already made it through 3 sessions additionally of regular strength HBing. Going well enough, i think. Got through #3 two days ago, and that should do it for the "Intermediate" timer, which--as i've elucidated in earlier posts--feels more on the endurance side of strength training. I'll record #3 alone below for a waypost. Plan is tomorrow to move to the "Heavy" timer, God allowing. The "Intermediate" timer (to recap) comprises 8 grips (including the warmup jug), with 2 sets on each grip (excluding the WUJ). Sets are 7 and then 6 reps respectively, of 7 second reps with 3 second rests. Three minutes between each set. It's usually (but not always) about a 10 lb increase between sets.

9.22.19 HB #3 S:11 Intermediate Timer. 201 clothed.

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +20↔: No fail, not bad.
2: +40↑: Failed last 2 sec last rep.

F 3,4:
1: -40↔: No fail. Better i think.
2: -30↔: Better! Got 4. Failed end of last 2. Real nervous about pushing these.

1: -20↔: Ooo...No fail. Hard.
2: -10↔: Got most of 4. Melted on last 2.

F 2,3,4:
1: -15↔: Ugh. toe down on the last 2 secs.
2: -5↔: Better. Got 4 clean. Last rep was a meltdown.

Wide Pinch:
1: -40↔: Whew! Got 6. Last rep was bad.
2: -30↔: K. Very end of 4th rep. Last two were fails.

1: BW↔: Got nearly 5. Better i think.
2: +25↑: Yup most of 4. Weight on these doesn't seem to be the limiter. Just can't seem to hang on longer than 4 reps. Kinda weird.

Narrow Pinch:
1: -55↑: Got 'em all. That's a forward step.
2: -45↑: Got 3 clean. No bad! These though...these hurt. Feel arthritic after these.

Got about 3.5 weeks 'til YnY, and i'd love to get some campusing in prior. Plan is to do three workouts on the "Heavy" timer and then three workouts on the "Power" timer. May modify that to 4:2 as observation might recommend.

I'd also note that Mr. S.I. got in a second workout on the "Basic" timer, and is taking to that like a fish to water. He gun' be a strong climba if he keeps that up.

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