Saturday, June 9, 2007

The last week


The last week has been a tad slow workout-wise. i did get in to the climbgym a coupl'a times. Finally got my project v2, which i'm saying was a li'l bit sandbagged, and i got another 2 i'd tried several weeks before, but couldn't hang on. That felt nice. Also worked the crux start on a v3, and i'm hoping to tag that after a bit o' rest. Haven't been to the regular gym since the last time i wrote, which just means i never managed to get in for leg work.

On a slightly perpendicular, but intimately related note, i started a new job this last week. After working this weekend through, i'll have worked 9 days in a row (which is why i didn't get back in to work legs), but it's a fun job and-- possibly more importantly-- it's a day job, so i should have a life of some sort again soon. i'm turning in my two weeks at this one on Mon. morning. Just the thought of getting to quit this hellish crap-hole of a job is physically exciting.

Well i hope you Jungs've had a fine time riding and sampling the libations, and maybe-- just maybe-- i'll actually get a vacation soon and can come down for a visit. i could sure use your prayers. Prost.


Pappa G said...

We did have a mighty fine time indeed. Except for some minor mechanical difficulties with my bike, everything went great.
Congrats on the new job! I'll definitely be praying for you guys.

c said...

Thanks. Just turned in my two week notice at the hospital last night. i'm very excited to get to quit. Maybe we'll get to come visit you guys soon.

Pappa G said...

That would be nice.