Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-Day to me

Today i woke up with some brand of bronchitis/ upper r.i., and i skipped all my classes including my first chemistry exam. i felt like bland poopy-doody. Yet somehow skipping all my classes energized me. i watersealed all the stone in my bathroom, caulked the baseboards, and took a characteristically not-terribly-restful nap. Then i went climbing. At first it was very much as though i had an ocean sloshing about in my skull. But i couldn't leave cuz i didn't want another three consecutive off-days. Thought maybe even some easy climbing would get the ol' blood flowing and improve my general outlook on life. But i didn't do any easy climbing. i meandered upstairs and fell in with some muscley ripped tattooed guys and taught them what it looks like to climb. Or, if it wasn't quite that dramatic, i did send their project piece first try, and dropped off to a bewildered look that asks, "How does someone that fat and pasty pull that hard?" Ended up hanging with another couple o' guys-- one of whom was right about my level, and the other was seriously good. This first guy was working a v3 i'd been projecting for several weeks. It's as hard as a v3 gets. He finally linked it, and i sent right behind him. That is one good feeling. There just ain't anything like working some hard proj with an amped posse.


Pappa G said...

An amped posse would be nice. wish i had one of those going with me this weekend. oh well. guess meg will have to come in a close second. not exactly "amping" though.

c said...

LOL. Man i can totally see Meg all, "C'mon you li'l beyotch! Don't you drop that rock if you 'spect yore children to grow up men and not 'neutrals'! (That's my husband out there...) Whoo Hoo, Glenn! Don't be a poon!"

Hyuck. Well dude, yer gunna hafta call me and let me know how it went.

Pappa G said...

Actaully, this chick came through for me. I think she had as much fun as I did. she was going crazy for me. Course, it helps that there was big crowd there and everyone was getting insane. Awesome day.