Had me comp last night. Bonny good times, that. Turns out six off days with only one light workout in the middle has a pert' nigh miraculous effect on the ol' healing process. Climbed for three hours, and sent probably 19 climbs with maybe one to five minutes of rest 'tween tries. It was set up in an interesting way. None of the climbs were rated yet, but in the past they've assigned point values-- say between 100 to maybe 3000-- such that after you've climbed a few routes you have a pretty good idea how hard it's gonna be just by point value. This time they assigned either 5, 10, or 15 points, so a 5 pointer would be roughly between v0 and v2ish, 10 points comprised mostly hard v2 to probably low-end v5, and 15 pointers weren't worth hanging on. So the 10 pointers encompassed quite a huge range. Also all the problems were numbered, and you had a scoresheet with like 53 slots on it. On each slot you had either 1,2,3, or 4 tries to get the route. So before you got on the problem, you had to write the number of the problem in the slot, and you only had that many tries to send; otherwise you just lose that slot, and couldn't score points in it. But i know i sent 4 or 5 v3s and a v4 or two. By the last hour i (and every other mortal in the gym) was schlepping up every 5 pointer i could come by. we're talking wrist-hooking buckets, and dynoing for everything. Got to the point that if it took me more than 20 seconds to hit the finish hold, i couldn't do it no matter how easy it was. Very much fun.
Also there were some kids climbing. None of 'em were much good, but just the way the clumb made me realize that if i could just lose 120 lbs. or so, i'd be a way better climber. i think i'm gonna go in to the plain gym today.
You guys need to get here soon, and without paralysis (from, say, drunken motorcycle wrecks) 'cuz i'm jonesing to get off the ground.
We made it back with no bones broken... just a scarred liver and a few bruises. It sucks getting old. Hard to recoup like when we were younger. We shall be up that a way in a month. Counting the days brutha. Good job on the climb dog.. howd you wind up doin??
Excellent to hear yer in mostly one piece (or i guess two pieces, as there's two of you). Yeah, gettin' old sucketh. How'd i wind up doing? Dunno, if you mean like rank-wise. i stuck around for a beer and some chips after the comp, then jetted. There were probably in the vicinity of a hundred folks competing, and i know i was better than two of 'em. (One was maybe eight years old, and one was a fifty-something, rather overweight ol' gal what said she'd been climbing for 6 weeks at that point.) So i'm confident i made it into the top 198 or so.
Sounds like you did a fine job. Had I been there you would have been in the top 197 for sure.
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