Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Crimp my ride

Today was a good learning day. i climbed on sat. (which was dismal, and not much worth discussing) after which i was inspired to do hanging leg raises. i did five sets of 10 thinking that'd minimize the pain/healing time. It's a good thing i did, cuz today (tues.) it still hurts to cough hard. Anyhow, inspired by Glenn's bench workout, i went in with the attitude that i was gonna see some kind of progress or stay at the gym 'til i did. Seemed to work. In lieu of stretching, and my usual warmup routine, i sat at the base of a v3 that'd thrown me an embarrassing number of times, stared at it for 10 seconds or so, strapped on the ol' shoes and sent that bastard first try. i learned, though, that 200 lb. guys don't handle 3 or 4 long hard crimp sessions a week so well, and that 1 to 2 days of rest between 'em just ain't enough to heal. Also, it was driven home to me how much better i climb when i have someone to climb with. Closed crimps are just hard on the tendons, and that takes those silly things way longer to heal than muscles (although at this point i think they're healiing faster than my abs). Thurs. i'm gonna try to keep it to slopers and open-grips: no crimps. And presently i'm gonna try to work some portion of the flaccid entire anterior side of my cadaver.

Hey how's that job looking, cuz i need a workout partner?


Pappa G said...

Glad I could be an ispiration for you. If it helps, I got a clean set of 5 with 405 in my squat work yesterday, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't stick to a V3 to save my life. Wouldn't matter if it was crimpy or slopey. I'm 5'8" and weigh 216. When I look in the mirror a big fat burrito is the only thing that comes to mind.

Be patient about the job. I ran with Wes this morning. He said the company didn't want him to do much until he got moved to Weatherford. Could be a few weeks, but I'm pretty sure you'll get a shot at it.

c said...

Mighty cool. You're up to 216? Man, i don't feel so bad now. i think we're going to see mama and daddy this weekend. i'll try to give you a call, or you can give me one there. Heck, you could run up and see us if you want.