i'll recap just so's i can remember on which day i did which workout. Wed. i went in for a quick climb sesh before physics lab. Got nothing to speak of, but ten minutes before lab started i roped another guy into working a project with me, and he got me into one of his so i was a half-hour late for lab. It was so nice working with another human on a project that i didn't really care. And it was a good thing: they'd only gotten about one page into the lab when i showed up for it. (Non-calc based physics, it turns out, does not attract the brightest stars in the firmament.) Anyhow, i went back as soon as lab was out (speaking of giving one's tendons plenty of time to heal), and while i didn't get the finish holds i wanted, the collective 50 or 60 tries on sundry v4s ended up being a hardcore workout. Then i went back on Thurs. for a semi-short session. Yesterday (fri.) i did my first hour-long run in a while. Felt superb.
Nerd note: The first half of the run (the out) is nearly totally uphill (so the back, of course, is all downhill), and with the monitor i kept my HR nearly constant both ways. You'd think that at a given HR i'd be doing a relatively constant amount of work (i.e., wattage would be somewhat similar) or else i'd be doing more work for less speed going uphill, so that at a constant HR over a fixed distance it'd take way less time to get back than to get out. Interestingly, it took me about one minute longer to get out than back-- and remember that's in an hour-long run. All i can figure is that i'm an outta-shape cow, and for the same HR on the way back (downhill) my legs were torched; else i'm a hellish good hill climber, and'm breaking some thermodynamic laws. i'm going with the first theory in spite of my ego. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if that gap widens when i get in better shape.
Oh, and i'll go ahead and commit myself to hitting the weights today, just to be held accountable. Nastrovya.
Well, did you hit the weights? Aw, who cares? You guys are having a baby today! There will be no more time for such foolishness as weight training. You'll just have to run yourself skinny. Then you won't need to be stronger.
Good luck with the cheerleading today!
Push 'em out, Shove 'em out, WAAYYY out!
Congrats Cody. Thats awesome. I very happy for you guys. Thats 2 now right? I can't keep track. Where's the itsaboys cigars?? Seems like Glenn and I should get up that way soon to see the little tyke. Cheers from down south brother...
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