Thursday, June 5, 2008


Gotta say i'm pretty sore from all that pushing. Heckuva workout, that.

ALLLrighty, now. Lessee here: i did lift on sat. And not a bad session of it either. Sun. we slouched about at a barbeque. Mon. we had a baby. Tues. we brought 'er home, and proceeded to do nothing else whatever. Wed. i had class all flippin' day long, but i did manage to squish a climbing workout in, and had an excellent run at it after having most of a week to heal the tendons. Got one of m' v4 projects, and almost snagged a second. At least got a new high point on it. Today i went into algebra class and had an exam i'd managed to know nothing of theretofore. Steph had possibly the easiest delivery any woman has ever had since before the fall of Eve, and that has contributed greatly to my being able to carry on with life in a semi-normal fashion. i'm gonna try to go lift again today. we'll see. It's funny, but the most exhausting thing about having a baby (aside from her waking up ever so often through the night emanating an amplified cat fight from her larynx) are the people who either call every 30 mins. to make sure all is well, or else insist on doing lots of favors to relieve the stress. The problem is that you have to wait on 'em to do their favor before you can get on with what you'd really rather be doing. The kids were delivered back unto us today at about 16:00 after a two day hiatus, and Aeon was asleep. He was soaked with pee to his ankles, and was still wearing his pullup from last night. "Hey, thanks for watching 'em."

i'm an ass. i can admit that-- an antisocial ingrate. And i deserve to have no friends.

Oh yeah... i do have no friends. Mystery solved. Hope you guys are well, and i'll second that notion that you should come up here to meet my Katja. She's mighty cute.

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