Sunday, June 22, 2008

sat. 21 jun.

weighed in at 198.

Went to ye olde irongym yestern. was a li'l pressed for time, so i kept it skeletal, but i wanna scribble down the progressions so i can remember 'em. It's starting to feel like i can do real workouts again, and they're complex enough that i really need to break 'em down into at least two parts. i've been working back, legs, chest, abs, and everything else on the same day. Mostly it's because i never know how many times i'll actually manage to get into the gym in a week, and i want to make sure to get everything in. i've been getting in fairly faithfully two times a week for the last three weeks or so. i think, though, that i could get in more if i broke it into smaller parts and knew a workout wouldn't take two hours. This has always been my nuclear blowapart point: trying to juggle hard gym workouts and really any other form of hard training and running. The running's fallen out for the last coupl'a weeks, but it's mostly 'cuz we're out of pocket with Katja in the hospital.

Got those raw, then i put some hydraulic jacks under my elbows for the rest.

DB Bench:
8x 65s


On a whim i did squats:

The adductors scream now if i make any unexpected movements with m' legs.

Incline DB Bench:
i think i did:

Cable Rows:

Form felt perfect on these.

Didn't have time for the rest of the workout. Usually do Dips, Hanging Leg Raises, Straight Leg Deads, DB Shrugs, Pec Deck, and Shoulder Flys/Flexion. i wanna incorporate more ab work, more lat work, posterior delt work, and sagittal shoulder extension work. And i think some tricep iso would be helpful. i've tried to keep the iso work to a minimum, but i'm starting to find some weak links. Don't know if i'll keep the squats up, but i sure do like doing 'em. Gotta go visit m' baby. Peace.


Pappa G said...

You're doing a ton of chest/tricep work in one day. Especially if you're doing that twice in a week. That's going to put a lot of miles on your shoulders in a hurry.

c said...

Well, the 375 bench was a joke i threw in at the last minute to make you chuckle. i actually can't do 375 on bench. Not even once. Truth is, i haven't been doing babrell bench at all. You done talked me outta it. i'm being pretty careful with my decrepit shoulders.

Pappa G said...

I kinda figured. But you're still doing a lot on one day. Pick like two excersices for your chest and go at em as hard as possible. Same goes with every other muscle group. You're time in the gym and recovery time will be a lot shorter.