Thursday, June 26, 2008


i climbed on mon. for a horrible bad day of it. Depressing. Then i went back on tues. to rectify the situation. i failed to rectify it. i haven't slept in two or three weeks now, and i think that has something to do with it. i think you're right, G: booze is poison. For a good long while there i was holding myself to a "one drink per day" policy. For the last two weeks i've been sticking more or less strictly to a "mildly hammered" policy. i stayed up 'til 5:00 this morning thinking about normal forces on an inclined plane. That's irritating. Tomorrow i have a climbing comp. i must sleep tonight. And i need to lose 10 lbs. before tomorrow, so i'm gonna go running today. Oh, and i looked up the site you posted on the highlands games. That looks like good clean fun. Where would one find a caber to practice with though. And i need one of those hammers. And some tassled socks.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

There's a lot of good info on the web about making your own implements to train with. Coffee cans filled with concrete. That kind of stuff. Not sure about the caber. I'm thinking of swiping a telephone pole. I'm sure no one would notice.

May the force be with you in your comp today!