Saturday, June 28, 2008

Supa' Tweak

Had me one of the best days of climbing yesterday i've had in a while. Climbed a li'l bit on mon. & tues., but took the rest of the week off till yesterday evening. Every 6 weeks or so, the gym puts on an informal bouldering comp for members, and they put up a plethora of new routes for it. i'm anxious to see how i ranked, and what some of the ratings will turn out to be; but i flashed nearly everything i tried. There were a few routes i got shut down on, but it was totally 'cuz i tried 'em too late. You could climb all the routes you want, but you could only tally up yer top ten point-value routes, so i didn't try many high-value routes, cuz i didn't want to fry on 'em before i had ten to count. But i'm pretty confident i got a nice big handful of 3s, and nothing under 2. Couldn't tell if any of 'em were 4, but i doubt it. Did see a bunch of skinnies getting spit off'a my flashes, but it could just be that they were females in men's clothing. At any rate, it gave me warm fuzzies. Couldn't help but think i'd'a clumb even better if i'd been wearing a kilt.

Went in to the irongym today for chest, abs, and "legs." It's becoming a natural split to save hard back work and shoulders for after wednesday's climbing. Here's today:

DB Bench:
60s x 10
65s x 8
75s x 7
75s x 5

135 x 10 x 3

Still keeping these real light and rehabilitative.

Incline DB Bench:
60s x 8
65s x 8 x 2


Straight Leg Deads:
95 x 14
115 x 12
135 x 10
185 x 8 x 2

i do these on a 6" high platform and use 25lb. plates or smaller so as to get full r.o.m. That last set evoked flashes of an ibuprofen bottle at the bottom of each rep, but they felt good. No sproings.

Straight Leg Lifts:
15 x 4

Pec Deck:
What difference does it make? i just do 'em cuz i get to flex in front of a mirror.

Soon i wanna start integrating more ab work: get kind'a jiggy with the open chain stuff. Thought of some nice shoulder work i wanna try. Thought about hucking hammers at things, and that made the incline bench and squats take on a happier aura.


Pappa G said...

I think peck decks should be illegal.

So how did you rank and the comp?

c said...

i like the pec deck, thankyouverymuch. It has probably the most crossover value, chest-wise, of any of the chest work i do. The weight magnitudes are totally arbitrary, but it's a nice movement.

Didn't go to the gym today (cuz i'm still broke down), so i don't know how i ended up ranking.