"...led rats through the streets/ Dance like a marionette/ Swayin' to the symphony..."
Anyhow. Keeps going through m' head for some reason. All said and done, not a particularly healthy weekend on the physical front (unless you're given to considering the psychical front a subset of the physical, in which case i could rightly say that everything came out just fruity in the wash.) Hard to pinpoint if the poisonous bit was that we started drinking at 11 a.m., or if it was that we continued until 1:00 the following morning, or if it was just that i ended up eating so damn much bacon. At any rate, i didn't have especially high expectations for this afternoon's climbsession, and i nevertheless still managed to vault right under the bar. i'm pretty confident this is a solid three extra pounds of blubber i'm gripping here, and my hands (strangely) still haven't healed from last week's climbing. i've heard one has to sleep in order to heal, so it is to the lack thereof that i'll attribute my shortcomings; not to flipping that wussy li'l tractor tire and the farmer's walk.
Right then. i'm looking forward to getting those video copies for the Highlands gig, so don't forget eh. And it'd be mighty fine if you guys could nail down some sort of date to come up here, 'cuz i could shore 'nuff use some motivation to lay off the poisons and drop some weight.
And, again, i'm favorably impressed with the spread there G. Makes me wanna invest in windmills.
If I'm not mistaken, that would be one of the finer works of art from Megadeth. Who wouldn't want that stuck in their head?
Glad you guys were able to come. It was a good time and a nice distraction.
I talked to Shawn last night. He's need'n a man trip pretty bad. Wanna invite him to meet us?
Ah, you betcha. i'll shoot 'im an email today. That'd be mighty cool.
Yeah, i was listening to the all hair band station on satellite radio at the gym the other day. When Bon Jovi started mewling "Dead or Alive" i asked if it'd be okay, perhaps, to change the friggin' station.
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