Friday, July 25, 2008

The rest o' the week

Lessee here... wed. i managed to get in a fairly good workout. The hard back workout on sat. was a bad idea, and screwed with the climbings, but wed. went ok-ish. However, i resolved to not do that again. went in for the back work on thurs. (yesterday) this time. i was pleasantly surprised that it went so well after climbing the day before. Main thing is i switched up the heavy work from rows to pullups this time. i wanna experiment to see if i heal better and still make progress like this. Thus:

BW x 21
+25 x 8
+50 x 3
+60 x 3
+70 x 2
+80 x2
+90 x 1 (almost got a second one here)
+100 (didn't lock this all the way out...close though)

Straight Leg Deads:
Pretty much the same as last week

Wide Grip Rows:
3 sets fairly light. The wide grip is much harder, and m' biceps were fried.

Rest of the workout was similar to sat's.

Steph snagged us a family membership at the pool. i'm hoping to get to start swimming long again. Went out yesterday and purchased a shiny new Speedo. Nothing like hanging it out in public in a banana hammock to wake a body up in the morning.

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