Swum today for the first time in a year or two. i love swimming. There's just something about sumo-ing around in a Speedo...
Lessee: 200 m warmup, 400 m of laps. Did the first 200 in 100m sets, but my shoulder kept trying to relocate itself to a different part of the pool, so i backed down to 50s for the second 400. Gunna hafta rehab that rotator cuff before i can go long. Cooled down with 200 of the usual. Felt mighty good to be in water again.
Oh, and yester'sNacht i did chest/pushers again. i think this setup will work out better for climbing at the beginning of the week. Actually pushed 85s on DB bench for a bunch of reps. It's weird having a chest again. On Incline DBs, on the last rep of my last set i was using the force to get my elbow to lock out, and my shoulder just decided it'd had all it wanted and tried to fail. After some discussion with it, we parted company, and i locked out with my humerus sitting directly on my rib cage. That might have been a mistake, but i locked out. So while i might be doomed to shoulder arthritis, i shan't have arthritis of the morale. Ooo, and i actually broke out the Inzer leather for squats. i was plenty glad to have it too, cuz my low back was unhappy after deads on thurs.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
The rest o' the week
Lessee here... wed. i managed to get in a fairly good workout. The hard back workout on sat. was a bad idea, and screwed with the climbings, but wed. went ok-ish. However, i resolved to not do that again. went in for the back work on thurs. (yesterday) this time. i was pleasantly surprised that it went so well after climbing the day before. Main thing is i switched up the heavy work from rows to pullups this time. i wanna experiment to see if i heal better and still make progress like this. Thus:
BW x 21
+25 x 8
+50 x 3
+60 x 3
+70 x 2
+80 x2
+90 x 1 (almost got a second one here)
+100 (didn't lock this all the way out...close though)
Straight Leg Deads:
Pretty much the same as last week
Wide Grip Rows:
3 sets fairly light. The wide grip is much harder, and m' biceps were fried.
Rest of the workout was similar to sat's.
Steph snagged us a family membership at the pool. i'm hoping to get to start swimming long again. Went out yesterday and purchased a shiny new Speedo. Nothing like hanging it out in public in a banana hammock to wake a body up in the morning.
BW x 21
+25 x 8
+50 x 3
+60 x 3
+70 x 2
+80 x2
+90 x 1 (almost got a second one here)
+100 (didn't lock this all the way out...close though)
Straight Leg Deads:
Pretty much the same as last week
Wide Grip Rows:
3 sets fairly light. The wide grip is much harder, and m' biceps were fried.
Rest of the workout was similar to sat's.
Steph snagged us a family membership at the pool. i'm hoping to get to start swimming long again. Went out yesterday and purchased a shiny new Speedo. Nothing like hanging it out in public in a banana hammock to wake a body up in the morning.
Monday, July 21, 2008
went in to climb a bit today. Actually, i went in to buy some new Kletterkicks, and inadvertantly climbed some stuff. As predicted i put down one sad day of climbing. Back work on sat. had me torn down for today. But that's ok. i gotta fine tune ye olde schedule, but as long as i'm getting a few stellar workouts in then there's some progress. Went in to REI yesterday cuz i was shopping for La Sportiva's fairly new Miura velcros. Tres sexy, but the closest they had to my size was a solid half size too small. So today i went to the gym to see if they happened to have it. They didn't have the velcro version in my size, but they did have the lace up Miura for $89.95 instead of $140. Couldn't say no to that. Sick shoe. i'll recommend it. If you need a pair of shoes, lemme know and i'll snag you pair. The Miura's one of Sportiva's bestest shoes and this is $50 off. Although i'm pretty sure Glenn's climbing shoes have that same new-leather fragrance as my Inzer lifting belt.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
200 lbs.
Well. After mon's. mediocrity i ended up having a fairly successful week of working out. Wed. i snagged a couple of v3s at ye olde klettergym. Ended up doing two sessions same day. And i blew a hole in the toe o' me shoe, so's i hafta go buy a new pair (as i don't think they'll hold up to a second resole). i wanted to get some back work in same day, so's i'd have time to heal for mon. (tomorrow), but it would'a been a lousy go at it. Instead, i went in thurs. for a pusher session. Bumped the squats up another 50 lbs. so i'm finally over 200 on squats again. Had a mighty fine chest workout with DB bench and DB incline. Went ahead and did hanging leg raises (cuz i'm wanting to start working abs twice a week). And i finished up with one-arm cable triceps presses. These felt kinda cool, and they involve the shoulder, T. major and subscap more than two-handed presses.
Then yesterday i tore my back down proper. i'm gonna try alternating heavy pullup weeks with heavy row weeks. i'll write m' weights down so's i can remember 'em.
Pullups x 10 warmup
Narrow Grip Cable Rows:
10 x 195
8 x 210
6 x 225
4 x 240
4 x 255
3 x 270
2 x 285
1 x 300
These felt good. The last one at 300 i didn't get all the way to my sternum, but i plan to correct that.
Straight Leg Deads:
14 x 95
10 x 145
8 x 165
10 x 185
8 x 205
6 x 225
4 x 245
This was the heaviest i've gone with straight leggers, and my back is unscrupulous about reminding thereof. It's the good kind of pain.
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns:
3 x 10 x 180
i like these things. i lean back at about 45ish deg. and pull the bar down as far as can past my sternum. Works a vector of lat it's hard to get at with pullups.
Bentover B-bell Rows:
3 x 10 x 135
Experimental. Did these with a supine grip. i wanted to keep the movement as close to a climbing "low lockoff" as possible, but i couldn't get quite the same r.o.m. with a supine grip as prone. Had to use a wider grip to get a similar elbow height. This was a very fine movement. Mucho like-o. i do think i should'a done 'em before the deads though.
Lateral Delt Flys and Reverse Delt Flys (on the pec deck):
Some weight for a bunch of reps. Rehab.
Rarely do i leave the gym, pump a fist skyward Rocky-style, and thank God that i woke up that morning; but this was one of those days. Didn't feel quite so much like a fat old guy. i don't have much hope for a good climb sesh tomorrow, but it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Out.
Well. After mon's. mediocrity i ended up having a fairly successful week of working out. Wed. i snagged a couple of v3s at ye olde klettergym. Ended up doing two sessions same day. And i blew a hole in the toe o' me shoe, so's i hafta go buy a new pair (as i don't think they'll hold up to a second resole). i wanted to get some back work in same day, so's i'd have time to heal for mon. (tomorrow), but it would'a been a lousy go at it. Instead, i went in thurs. for a pusher session. Bumped the squats up another 50 lbs. so i'm finally over 200 on squats again. Had a mighty fine chest workout with DB bench and DB incline. Went ahead and did hanging leg raises (cuz i'm wanting to start working abs twice a week). And i finished up with one-arm cable triceps presses. These felt kinda cool, and they involve the shoulder, T. major and subscap more than two-handed presses.
Then yesterday i tore my back down proper. i'm gonna try alternating heavy pullup weeks with heavy row weeks. i'll write m' weights down so's i can remember 'em.
Pullups x 10 warmup
Narrow Grip Cable Rows:
10 x 195
8 x 210
6 x 225
4 x 240
4 x 255
3 x 270
2 x 285
1 x 300
These felt good. The last one at 300 i didn't get all the way to my sternum, but i plan to correct that.
Straight Leg Deads:
14 x 95
10 x 145
8 x 165
10 x 185
8 x 205
6 x 225
4 x 245
This was the heaviest i've gone with straight leggers, and my back is unscrupulous about reminding thereof. It's the good kind of pain.
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns:
3 x 10 x 180
i like these things. i lean back at about 45ish deg. and pull the bar down as far as can past my sternum. Works a vector of lat it's hard to get at with pullups.
Bentover B-bell Rows:
3 x 10 x 135
Experimental. Did these with a supine grip. i wanted to keep the movement as close to a climbing "low lockoff" as possible, but i couldn't get quite the same r.o.m. with a supine grip as prone. Had to use a wider grip to get a similar elbow height. This was a very fine movement. Mucho like-o. i do think i should'a done 'em before the deads though.
Lateral Delt Flys and Reverse Delt Flys (on the pec deck):
Some weight for a bunch of reps. Rehab.
Rarely do i leave the gym, pump a fist skyward Rocky-style, and thank God that i woke up that morning; but this was one of those days. Didn't feel quite so much like a fat old guy. i don't have much hope for a good climb sesh tomorrow, but it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Out.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Failure to Rage
Just got back from a relaxing [read: slothful] weekend in Red River, NM; home to a higher density of Texans than most comparably-sized Texas villages. Before we left on thurs., i did an irongym workout. Kept it real skeletal cuz we were trying to get away same day, but it was decent notwithstanding. Bumped up m' weights in nearly everything, including a 50lb. jump in squats, for which i paid during the remainder of the week. The depressing bit was that i weighed in at 202, which meant that (as suspected) i gained about 4lbs. over the 4th weekend. Haven't weighed since.
First thing i did at RR was go to the visitor center and ask for some climbing. The chick ran off a mini guide for me. Turns out there're maybe four or five bolted routes within a 30sec. drive of town. Problem was the 15 min. 45 deg. scree approach. Annie and i scouted it immediately, and i thought it was maybe doable, but it was dumping rain. Next day i hauled my wee family up this approach, and all the while Steph (when i accidentally made eye contact) was giving me the nuclear brow. Anyhow, i ended up with the baby in the snugli, Aeon on my shoulders, and my rope bag and gear on m' back grunting up this quasi-trail/erosion-diarrhea-rut and we got up to the base of the rock and it was immediately apparent that i'd be inviting my own death or the death of one of my children were i to climb. Annie would'a just kept climbing till i made her stop (and i'm not terribly sure she wouldn't'a sent the 5.7 at the base of which i yelled her down.) The belay stance was this craggy 40 deg. number, Steph would'a had to belay with the baby on, and Aeon was running amok. At some length, and fuming, i let it go and we hiked/glissaded back to the car. O for a babysitter! At any rate, the result was that i got four nearly-unadulterated days of forearm tendon-knitting.
Climbed today. Forearms are approaching 90%. Felt fat as before, though. i have been sticking with my rule from last posting, and i haven't felt like i've overeaten since; only i haven't done much of anything active at all. i gotta start running.
First thing i did at RR was go to the visitor center and ask for some climbing. The chick ran off a mini guide for me. Turns out there're maybe four or five bolted routes within a 30sec. drive of town. Problem was the 15 min. 45 deg. scree approach. Annie and i scouted it immediately, and i thought it was maybe doable, but it was dumping rain. Next day i hauled my wee family up this approach, and all the while Steph (when i accidentally made eye contact) was giving me the nuclear brow. Anyhow, i ended up with the baby in the snugli, Aeon on my shoulders, and my rope bag and gear on m' back grunting up this quasi-trail/erosion-diarrhea-rut and we got up to the base of the rock and it was immediately apparent that i'd be inviting my own death or the death of one of my children were i to climb. Annie would'a just kept climbing till i made her stop (and i'm not terribly sure she wouldn't'a sent the 5.7 at the base of which i yelled her down.) The belay stance was this craggy 40 deg. number, Steph would'a had to belay with the baby on, and Aeon was running amok. At some length, and fuming, i let it go and we hiked/glissaded back to the car. O for a babysitter! At any rate, the result was that i got four nearly-unadulterated days of forearm tendon-knitting.
Climbed today. Forearms are approaching 90%. Felt fat as before, though. i have been sticking with my rule from last posting, and i haven't felt like i've overeaten since; only i haven't done much of anything active at all. i gotta start running.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Domino Effect
i'm trying to think of when i've felt more like hammered crap (without a proper clinical diagnosis) than i have today. Haven't actually slept in just over a month now. Yesterday, in an act of desparation, we went to Sam's Club and picked up one of those slow-return foam mattress toppers. Don't remember sleeping quite that badly in a while. Went to the climbing gym for maybe the most pathetic workout i've laid down in a while. Hands still haven't healed from whenever. Anyhow, tomorrow we're supposed to go to Red River (the n.m. one) for the weekend for some r&r. Hopefully that'll help. i get this sleepy and worn down, and i get a li'l psychotic, and things start falling apart. In an effort that nearly cost me my soul, i managed not to have a dip yesterday evening, or today. i've even managed to eat fairly well the last coupl'a days. i'm just too tired to move. i'm hoping i'll have the juice to go work out at the irongym tomorrow before we leave.
Oh, i thought of a kind of plan. Might be corny, but it might just work. You wanna lose yer saturated midriff, and i wanna lose mine; and i'd guess one of the biggest mutual problems we have is a lack of accountability and perspective. So i'll propose we play a game of HORSE. i'll lay down a rule/mantra/commitment and stick with it, and if you can hang, you can add on. Umm, some rules maybe: no starving (obviously), and no giant, sweeping commitments that you can't really stick with. You can modify/qualify liberally, but say so. You can take or leave a rule, but you gotta explain yerself. That'll do. The point is i could use some accountability here, but i don't want someone telling what to do if they ain't gonna do it themselves.
#1) No high fat foods (i.e. cheese or meat) after 18:00. If it's unavoidable, i'll eat half of what i think i want. Supper's when i usually overeat, cuz i can chill. More fiber here, and more low fat protein.
Oh, i thought of a kind of plan. Might be corny, but it might just work. You wanna lose yer saturated midriff, and i wanna lose mine; and i'd guess one of the biggest mutual problems we have is a lack of accountability and perspective. So i'll propose we play a game of HORSE. i'll lay down a rule/mantra/commitment and stick with it, and if you can hang, you can add on. Umm, some rules maybe: no starving (obviously), and no giant, sweeping commitments that you can't really stick with. You can modify/qualify liberally, but say so. You can take or leave a rule, but you gotta explain yerself. That'll do. The point is i could use some accountability here, but i don't want someone telling what to do if they ain't gonna do it themselves.
#1) No high fat foods (i.e. cheese or meat) after 18:00. If it's unavoidable, i'll eat half of what i think i want. Supper's when i usually overeat, cuz i can chill. More fiber here, and more low fat protein.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Paying the Piper
"...led rats through the streets/ Dance like a marionette/ Swayin' to the symphony..."
Anyhow. Keeps going through m' head for some reason. All said and done, not a particularly healthy weekend on the physical front (unless you're given to considering the psychical front a subset of the physical, in which case i could rightly say that everything came out just fruity in the wash.) Hard to pinpoint if the poisonous bit was that we started drinking at 11 a.m., or if it was that we continued until 1:00 the following morning, or if it was just that i ended up eating so damn much bacon. At any rate, i didn't have especially high expectations for this afternoon's climbsession, and i nevertheless still managed to vault right under the bar. i'm pretty confident this is a solid three extra pounds of blubber i'm gripping here, and my hands (strangely) still haven't healed from last week's climbing. i've heard one has to sleep in order to heal, so it is to the lack thereof that i'll attribute my shortcomings; not to flipping that wussy li'l tractor tire and the farmer's walk.
Right then. i'm looking forward to getting those video copies for the Highlands gig, so don't forget eh. And it'd be mighty fine if you guys could nail down some sort of date to come up here, 'cuz i could shore 'nuff use some motivation to lay off the poisons and drop some weight.
And, again, i'm favorably impressed with the spread there G. Makes me wanna invest in windmills.
Anyhow. Keeps going through m' head for some reason. All said and done, not a particularly healthy weekend on the physical front (unless you're given to considering the psychical front a subset of the physical, in which case i could rightly say that everything came out just fruity in the wash.) Hard to pinpoint if the poisonous bit was that we started drinking at 11 a.m., or if it was that we continued until 1:00 the following morning, or if it was just that i ended up eating so damn much bacon. At any rate, i didn't have especially high expectations for this afternoon's climbsession, and i nevertheless still managed to vault right under the bar. i'm pretty confident this is a solid three extra pounds of blubber i'm gripping here, and my hands (strangely) still haven't healed from last week's climbing. i've heard one has to sleep in order to heal, so it is to the lack thereof that i'll attribute my shortcomings; not to flipping that wussy li'l tractor tire and the farmer's walk.
Right then. i'm looking forward to getting those video copies for the Highlands gig, so don't forget eh. And it'd be mighty fine if you guys could nail down some sort of date to come up here, 'cuz i could shore 'nuff use some motivation to lay off the poisons and drop some weight.
And, again, i'm favorably impressed with the spread there G. Makes me wanna invest in windmills.
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