Thursday, August 21, 2008

Knockin' the rust off

Climbed yesterday. Not much to talk about there. i think i just wanted to see what'd happen if i laid down three hard days in a row. Maybe i'll be stronger next week because of it.

Today i cracked open m' shiny new triathlon program, and there's to be no beating 'round the bush with it. Hadn't been on my bike in nearly a year, but i did an hour brick. 45 mins. of pink lining on the bike, and just over 15 mins. red lining on the run, with about 3 1/2 mins. transition time. Held onto an average of mid-160s h.r. for the duration. That made me 'member where i comes from. (And it kicked m' puffy white arse.) i have a feeling the squat workout tomorrow is going to be negatively affected.

i was reminded forcibly why i historically have had trouble hanging onto the gym workouts and the tri workouts at the same time: it sucks the very life out of my bones, and leaves me with the strong motivation to find carbs-- any carbs-- protein, and beer (which contains carbs.)

And exactly 4 seconds into the ride, my urethra was making promises it couldn't possibly keep if i would just please, please remove it from that saddle. i do believe i'm gonna save up and invest in a nice saddle before i do 3 hrs. on the Dowel Rod of Torture. (The one i'm on is 10 years old and was Steph's, so imagine where the gel might optimally be placed, and that's precisely where it isn't.)

[Late Night Addendum]

There: i made it into the gym. It'd been about three weeks since i've had the chance/energy to lift, but after two hours of having the "Guilt Trip 'Cuz You've The Wrong Hormonal Profile" card played on me-- Lo and behold, i found the friggin' energy. Did back with heavy rows for a focus. Definitely not at 100%, but i have plenty of stuff to blame it on, so i don't feel too bad about it. Just felt good to move. i think it was Bodybuilder Night at the gym tonight: All these not-particularly-large people milling about spontaneously flexing in mirrors, and occasionally stopping to play with their own nipples. This one skinny bastard had all the 45s in the gym on the leg press machine so's he could do a couple of half reps. i'm pretty sure he got more gigantic and sexy from lugging all that pigiron to the machine and back... anyhow, i'll give 'im the Motivated Serious Guy Award: i'm absolutely confident i wouldn't do that much work for so few cool points. (Seriously, i was in the Bubble, and i was setting up a bar for some high rows and it slowly dawns that there're no plates. So i'm like, "Huh... whay da hell all da fo'ty fives go?" And i look around and notice this jackass, and i nearly guffawed. It was like seeing Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas poised under enough weight to tether a 747 to the ground.) Mostly i stared at the ground a lot and assiduously avoided eye contact with anyone, but i thought of you, G, that you'd probably have had a good time of it.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

That's fun. I would've enjoyed it. I gotta say I don't regret my choice to throw in some quid and start working out in a garage. Loud music and talking smack is mandatory.