Saturday, August 16, 2008

Letzte Woche

ich machte fast nichts (activ, ich meine) in dieser letzte Woche. Actually, i climbed three times. Mon. and wed. i took Aeon and Katja with me. Fri. the parents in law kept the kiddos so we could get some talk time in, and i had a chance to sneak off and climb before Steph got off work. Can't say there were any inspired sessions in there, but it didn't go too badly. They put some new routes up, and i made some progress on a few of 'em. i guess i've been down in the doldrums lately with respect to the workouts: hard bouldering for every session works really well for little people who weigh 140lbs. It doesn't work so well for us clydesdales because the tendon damage is so much more extensive. Anyhow, inspired by Bryant, i hung 25lbs. on a chain belt and did some finger board work on slopers on wed. i didn't get in to the iron gym at all this week, and i didn't swim or run. No time at all. i've been exhausted with getting Annie ready for school. The irony is that i'm at the point where i'm pretty sure the most important thing i could do to move to the next level is whatever it takes to drop weight. i'm becoming inspired by Michael Phelps: if i can get to the point where i'm burning 18,000 calories a day, i'm pretty sure i could drop some weight.

Oh, and i found the Lewis tartan. Maybe we can just start our own clan. Wanna compete for Clan Leodhais, B? Damn, i wanna throw something heavy. And i wanna throw it in a kilt. And i wanna do so with no women around me, but with a dark malt lurking weightily within convenient access. Slainte!


R6Medic said...

No kidding.. i heard the guy swims like 50 miles a day. Sandy said she heard he eats 2 egg sandwiches, a 5 egg omlette, 2 cups of coffee, 2 pancakes.. I'd hate to be the toilet he sits on.

I'd love you join Clan Leodhais. Jive give me the claymore, and I shall bring you the head of longshanks...

c said...

Heh heh. Fer real dude... that guy's gotta have some four-footers. i was watching a documentary on ol' Billy Wallace the other day, and these crusty historian dudes pointed out that kilts weren't invented or worn till ca. the 1700s, while the Scottish revolution (or at least that Scottish revolution) happened in th 1300s. Ah well, i'm confident they still found a way to moon the Brits.

Pappa G said...

It's all about waiving your flag at the enemy. I'd love to have the freedom to sho off my yams or do the "tuck under" for the full salad bowel moon before I kicked someone's ass. Gotta get a kilt.