Thursday, August 20, 2009


Speaking of super accumulation, i failed again today to tag my project. On the other hand, i got this techy v4 second try that starts from a hanging knee bar. Then i worked another project that i think'll go at either ultra hard 4 or soft 6. i was baked on it, and i thought i'd give it one more burn. Crux has you stabbing off of a heinous flattened-S-shaped pinch way out left to an undercling pinch with one foot flagging into space. Get that foot on a bad hold, then--seriously--dyno yer right foot up to a heel hook match on the right hand sloper. Stick that, and you can let go to slither up to a bad crimp. Only i was tired, and i got my foot up there, and my shoe pulled off of my heel. So i popped. i misjudged the distance to the mat by two inches, over-rotated, and nearly bent my knee backwards. By the grace of God i didn't pop a ligament, but i sat there for a few minutes unable to straighten my leg thinking delirious thoughts.

Not a bad workout, but i'm with ya: i gotta lose weight, and i gotta clean out some poisons. i can't help but think, though, that several of these projects would'a' gone already if it weren't 96degrees in the gym, and i didn't sweat all the chalk off of my hands by the fourth move. i'm kinda' looking forward to fall. But maybe i'll do some serious overtraining with you to get in the spirit of the thing and cheer you on.

And while i'm linking things, i want two of these and two of these for just whatever holiday you feel most generous on. It'd complete my wall. For a while...


Pappa G said...

the Mayan skulls are pretty sick. You're going to have yourself a goth wall. Hang a dead chicken from it and your neighbors will be moving.

c said...

A li'l bit gothic i can do. Haitian voodoo...well, there's a reason they're a fourth world country.