Sunday, August 9, 2009

Up here on the wagon

Haven't had a sip in a few days. No poisons to speak of, excepting the McDonald's breakfast yesterday. Strangely enough, i feel better. It was getting pretty bad. After that workout i last posted about i seriously almost threw up, and me no likey that feeling. But things are looking up. i finally got into an A&P class, which takes off a li'l stress. So far i haven't been able to get into microbio, so there's no reason to do both A&Ps in the same semester if i can't do it all. If that's how it ends up, i won't be able to apply to school for this Jan., but it'll make school way less stressful. At any rate, i've got a cadaver lab at 7:30 am on the other side of the city.

Climbed on fri. and tore it up. Sent a v4 i'd gotten hucked off'n at the comp. Spent the rest of the time working a 5. It is hard. Put in probably 15-20 burns figuring out how to get to, then touching but never sticking the crux hold. i'm pretty confident it'll go when i'm fresh, but it requires crushing fingerprints into a nasty bad pinch. i think i'm gonna have to heal to a new layer of strength to eke another 2mm of plastic outta the crux. That's a nice feeling. Very motivational.

The climbing wall at home is fully operational, and it works me. i'll get some pics posted when i get home long enough. we're deep into putting a new kitchen in our kitchen, and we can't stay at the house. It's gunna look pretty shweet though, when we're finished. You'll hafta come check 'er out. Peace to all yas.


Pappa G said...
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Pappa G said...

Well, I'm inspired. I'm gonna make a good effort to not drink any this week. I've been on a bit of a binge for the last several weeks. Strange that it isn't making me feel as horrible as usual, but I can tell that I'm getting demotivated to do anything healthy. That old familiar downward spiral is starting up. Glad you're feeling better and climbing strong.

c said...

Yeah, it's funny how easy it is to fall into the hole. i was basically out for around three weeks there, and i'm having to fight to get the fitness back. That displeases me... i think more than it displeases me not to have a beer or three in the evening. Now if i could just get my lungs a li'l bigger and my ass smaller i'd start seeing some new numbers fall. Maybe if i started squishing it into a speedo again, i'd feel that extra necessary motivation.