Friday, October 8, 2010

Logging in

Ummm...stopped at last tues i think. Lessee: i've kinda' been alternating climbing days with other stuff. Nothing particularly eventful, but i want to put down what i've done. Climbed (poorly) wed. Didn't even try on that v5, 'cuz i was broken; but i did log some climb time and was there. Thurs (yesterday) i swam again. Got another 1,000yds straight with some kind of wu/cd. Makes for a nice lunch break. Today i met a friend and clumb again. Actually got on the lead line for some routes. Liiiiiii'l bit rusty. Sent an 8, a 9, then hung three times on a 10. Silly, but my head (and to be fair, my wi'l peengers) weren't too into it. Then got on an overhanging 10, and onsighted it in 30secs. Then we went upstairs and i tagged the gigantic double-dyno crux on that v5, and finished the problem. But i (again) didn't have the juice to link it after the first three moves. Kinda' frustrating, 'cuz i know i could do it if i were fresh and crisp, but i doubt i'll get to that state before it gets pulled down. The Prime8 is this next saturday, and i'm wanting to be healed for that. i'm hoping not to have to tape my mitts for it. i want to crimp so bad! So i'm planning on maybe climbing once for a remind-my-tendons-that-they-have-a-purpose session, and spending the rest of the week avoiding--and perhaps divesting myself of--obesity. Gonna try to do chest today, here in a sec, and i'm actually gonna try to get in a bike/run brick tomorrow. Haven't done one of them there in a coon's age.

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