Thursday, November 11, 2010


Cetchin' up here. Mundy i done went fer an hour run. Got suited out for a bike ride, but daylight "savings" rolled me like a mark, and sunset came earlier than i was prepared for. So i ran in the dark. Good run though; pretty night.
Toosdy i swam. Nearly got through a full prescribed workout--and would'a' if we didn't for the one hundredth time run about 15mins over class time into lunch. Still a good workout though.
Winsdy i clumb. Nothing spectacular, but a good workout notwithstanding. Did all the moves on a cool li'l v5, but i couldn't manage to link. It involves this huge sideways throw to a one-hand snag, and i just couldn't latch it after the start moves. Hope to maybe get it today. Also am planning to swim again today.
On a happier note, my Biotest protein came in yesterday, and apparently someone stole it off the porch in the 30mins between when it was delivered and when Steph got home. This confirms for me why i loathe people. Some sonnuvabitch probl'y thought it was christmas presents, stole it, found cartons of protein, and threw away 60$ worth. i can't seem to help hoping they have a huge brain aneurysm. i guess i don't really hope that. Or at least i wouldn't actually wish that on the asshole if i were faced with the choice. Oh well. almost the weekend.


Pappa G said...

Wow, that sucks! Dirty little wankers.

c said...

Yup. You'd think FedEx'd thinkk about delivering while the li'l bastards are unloading from school buses. How's the traveling going? You still abroad?

Pappa G said...

Home now. I'll be on the road most of next week, but hopefully done after that.