Incline DB bench:
10 x 60s
3 x 8 x 70s
3 x 10 x bw
Some shaping and sculpting of my manly thorax on the pec-deck.
Saturday (yesterday) i did a hard hour ride with power intervals in. Warmed up for 20mins, then did 6 x 20sec intervals as hard as i could go in the biggest gear i could push on a two min interval. Got my HR into the high 170s for 'em, which is pretty hard to do in 20secs. i hadn't done a bike interval in probably...yeah, probably before i got married. Felt pretty darn good, and 20secs is a tiny amount of time, even fairly out of shape. They're very, extremely hard to do in this town--very few spots where one can ride in a line for 2+mins without hitting a stop light, and absolutely no flat bits. So i fudged a bit on some of my rest periods, but i got it all in. Good workout.
Then last night i got in a 30min run. Pretty day for it; pretty night for it.
Today calls for a swim and an hour run. i traditionally have been doing back/abs on sundays, but these workouts do not gel well. The swim drains me for the lat workout, and i swim like a grandma if i do lats first. we'll see which wins out today. i've got this week off from school, so i should have time to get it all in. Guess i'll log back in when i've done something physical.
All righty. Got the swim in. 300wu/ 1000straight/ 300cd. Ok swim. Chest was definitely a bit tight from the workout friday.
And there's the run. Felt a bit sluggish for the first 15mins, but then i got me runnin' legs under me, and it went well enough. Couldn't seem to get my HR much above 150, but i still carved a couple o' minutes off time. i guess that's the benefit of running in the dark when it's chilly.
Man you're making that bike sound good. I'd love to get on a saddle again. Maybe one of these days...
Oh hey, I seem to have found myself in Lafayette, LA tonight. Should be back home tomorrow, but I'd appreciate the prayers to get me there!
Well i'll surely pray for you. And in my opinion, you should get you a bicicletta. we'll go do us another 150 miler in CO. That's good times.
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