Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Right. i don't think--in retrospect--that i tweaked my hamstring, so much as i nearly ruptured it. Steph and i had the day off yesterday (compliments of her very nice parents), and we got a family membership at the climbgym again; so we clumb. Not a good day of climbing (although it's nice to have the fam back on the memebership). i got on a toprope route, and threw this big, obligatory heel-hook, and nearly screamed like a li'l girl. Feels better today, at any rate. went swimming today for the first time in two or three weeks. It's amazing how many little accessory muscles one uses to swim, and fast those things get deconditioned and out of sync. i think i just don't realize how much it poisons me to dip and drink when i'm not training. we made ourselves a deal that we'd get the family membership at the gym as long as we don't drink during the week (we'll easily have the money that way). So we played rummikub and had tea last night, and i think it was the first really good night of sleep i've had in nearly a month. And what's funniest is that this surprises me--like i don't know that's what's going to happen. i'm seriously thinking about going back on that Green Faces thing, to cut the toxic crap out again. Seems silly that i have to be on some special diet to have any self-control, but that appears to be how i roll. (Plus it gives me an m.o. around which to tell friendly folks to nip off and eat their own damn fudge cake.) Plannin' on getting in to work chest this afternoon. Slowly but surely, i'm getting back into it. i'm quite thankful that i'm not as far out of shape this time as i was the last time i woke up.

Oh, and hey: there's a competition at the amarillo climbing gym on the 8th of January! Any takers?


Pappa G said...

That's funny. We've been having tea nightly and working jigsaw puzzles. It seems there is more time to be passed when one is sober.
I wanna get with you on the green faces diet. been thinking much more seriously about that lately. I think now that I've finally gotten my drinking under control I'd like to make an actual attempt at a diet.

c said...

Well i'm 'bout there. i will say this for it: i've increased my protein intake about 200% since i started that thing, and my climbing started...climbing. Definitely ain't a low protein thang.