The bad news is that i'm back over 200lbs. That, and i've got some perty mad bilateral biceps tendonitis. The good news is that 1) i'm pretty sure of why i've packed it back on, 2) i've got a couple of v6s and (possibly) a 7 in the crosshairs at Clydesdale weight, and 3) i locked out three reps with 305 on straight leg deads before my hands melted open today. Hadn't picked up more than 270 in quite a few moons, so that was encouraging. In fact, i was 'bout ready to pack it up and go home after the warm-up, 'cuz my hands and biceps were so thrashed. but i kept clipping off reps, and my back persisted in not throwing a spring, and my hands doggedly failed to drop the bar on my feet.
Also did the frenchies on p'lups again. Modified it this time, since i was dying. After a set with 45 and 70, i locked out at the top with 90, then just did another rep; then i just did a pullup with 110 followed by a couple of negatives. Skipped cable and BB rows to preserve a li'l muscle in the biceps--i'm hoping that some proteins might use the remaining threads as a kind of road map, and find their way to the original tendons. Decent workout. Now i gotta figure out how to trend downward weight-wise whilst not using my arms for a weekish.
You deserve the biceps tendonitis. It should be worn as a medal of honor. Really, a jump start on a roof problem? Nice!
Definitely deserve the itis--i just wish it would go away now. Veeery tricky to work them there lats without the biceps. The jump start was fun times though.
Before long you'll be entering dyno contests.
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