Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The All Stevia Diet

i earned me the right to sit on m' haunches and write a li'l bit with a nice, toasty swim. 300 w/u, 1,000 straight for a working set, 200 drill sets, 300 c/d for somewhere in the vicinity of 1,800 total.

Anyhow, i've decided to try something different. i went off of the Green Faces thing after a full week of it, but i'm kinda using it as a foundation. i think basically i'm just gonna try to keep my carbs really low. That's the main thing. i'd just go with the 100g/day thing, except i don't think it's very realistic with the high(ish) volume aerobic workouts. So i'm gonna try to concentrate on keeping my carbs as low as i can, while still feeling like i have enough juice to make it through. And i'm gonna include the EtOH in the count. That means if i want a workout that's worth a crud, i don't get to drink. Since i apparently have no self-control outside of math equation, i will engage in "quantified moderation." No calorie counting and no cheating; i just pay the price for every carb i take in. And it's Atkins for me if i don't work out. It sounds oversimplified, but i do believe it's the collective cereal, milk, bread, corn, cookies, and booze that's keeping me fat. And i know if i'm only gonna have a tiny number of carbs, i ain't gonna waste 'em on HFCS. i haven't calculated it out, but i'm allowing maybe 150ish g/day. And that may be too high, but it's a target. Plus--as i mentioned--i'm basically keeping it to the green faces, or maybe more of that Paleo sort of diet.

Lessee...catch-up on the workouts: sat i did chest. This would have been sad to witness, and, in fact, it was mildly embarrassing even though i was the only one in the gym. But you gotta start somewhere. It's just goofy that i have to start over every time i work chest. Sun i clumb at the gym with a mate from school. i should not have gone climbing, and i fully intended not to. But i didn't have the will power. i'll leave it with saying that i didn't get any projects cleared up, and after some concern, my wrist flexor bundle ended up not being ruptured. (Yea!)

Yesterday, i did back work. That was a good workout. Instead of plain ol' ME chinups, i did "frenchie" lock-offs with weight. my frenchies are pull-ups where you go all the way up, lower, go 3/4 up, lower, 1/2 way up, lower, 1/4 up, lower, then back to the top. i think these are backwards from normal frenchies, but i wanted the lock-offs to work. i did 'em with a 5sec lock-off at the top of each rep. 20 regular p'lups for a warmup, then frenchie sets with 45, 65, 80, and 2x105. Had to cheat my way up on most of the 105s, but i got most of the lock-offs. These were monstrous, and i recommend them highly. Also did straight leg deads, abs, one arm cable rows, bent-over bb rows, and wide grip pulldowns. Oddly, the arm i hurt climbing was pulling better than the other arm. Go figure.

It's really pretty outside, and i'm gunna try to run if i get a chance. Vamos a ver.


Got an hour run in. Actually went out at 1700 in shirt-sleeves and shorts. i'm diggin' summer here.

Any new babies out there?

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

She's about an hour old. That's all I know.


Nice workout. I gotta get on the weighted pullups.