Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Looks like it's been maybe two weeks since i worked chest. Been closer to a month since i've worked back. Haven't run, biked, etc in so long, i'm afraid my legs won't remember the motions. Not that i've ever really just dug staring at myself in the mirror, but now i'm just sorta grossed out whilst brushing my teeth. "Eee, go put a shirt on that thing!"

i've been climbing a lot. That's pretty much it for exercise. Yesterday was the first time i clumb since...well, wednesday or so. i think that was good. Hands were in a bad way. Tore it up pretty good yesterday. They'd put up quite a few new routes for Friday's comp. It was (as always) like being a li'l kid in Toys 'r' Us.  Vomited out a big bundle of routes with fresh hands before i stopped to appreciate any of 'em. Then when i did run into some routes that took some growl, i was fairly juiced. Interestingly, They didn't put any new stuff up in the caves. This vexed me, as there are a couple of heinous crimpers that have spat me off too many times, and that i was kinda relieved to think wouldn't be there. But there they were. Yet tired to paresthesia, i put up a new high point on a v5 i've been wanting. i left totally sure that i'll have that one if i can get back in with fresh paws. Couldn't feel too disappointed after 3hrs of pulling.

But i've gotta lose weight. That's primary. And i've gotta get back in the gym. i can't begrudge a few weeks off from lifting, cuz i've definitely reaped the power benes of not being broken down from heavy lifting. But i can tell i'm not pulling as hard now. Gotta correct that.

Just got yer text 'bout Meg. Praying for yas.

Friday, March 25, 2011


i passed. Done. Stick a fork in me. Now i have white coat ceremony this evening. (This is where they give me back the coat i went out and bought myself, only with their logo sewn on it.) It's at exactly the same time as the Stone Cup. It does not ease the pain that i'd pay money not to have to go if there weren't anything else scheduled at the same time. Just as well, 'cuz my hands feel just arthritic. i haven't run (or done anything else "aerobic") in many many moons. i haven't worked back in several weeks now. i've clumb and worked chest somewhat consistently, and i've been packing on lard like a bear prepping for winter. Other than that, i've been drinking fairly consistently, and generally not sleeping fairly consistently. It is now the appropriate time to make some important lifestyle modifications. First of all, i'm hoping to do some really serious, focussed sleeping over the next few weeks. Green Faces is comin' like a freight train. Whaddaya think? You in for Sunday?

Monday, March 14, 2011

...does whatever a Spider-Pig does...

Climbed yesterday. It went well--Yea, weller than i'd any right to expect. Finally sent a v5 i'd worked on for several sessions. Also sent a stiff 4 that'd tossed me last time 'round. Also go a handful of new 3s, and a bunch of 3s/4s that i'd done before. And a bunch of easier climbing. Fairly dense li'l 2hour session. The cool thing was that the 5 went at the end of the session, and i thought for sure i'd be too tired to send. Good times.

i think i also climbed on fri. That one was less encouraging. It was a workout, though.

i'm hoping to work chest/abs today. Maybe run. we'll see. i think i'd climb better if i were skinnier; but i'd also climb better if i were stronger. Always the toss up. Be neat if i'd just either been born strong or skinny. If i were one or the other, i'd have a clear goal. It's amazingly frustrating to try to accomplish both at the same time. But them's the breaks. Peace.

Tha nex' day

i did go to the gym for some chest yesterday. Did some incline DBs...maybe 2.5 sets. Then i realized i didn't bring my man-card with me. Pathetic, grasseater-level pain tolerance. And the 200 other patrons packing the premises were, each of them, on encroaching on it. So i left with the intent of going back later, when the throngs had dispersed. Only i didn't. The 5ish hours of sleep i'd eked outta the two weeks o' nights before caught up with me with interest and demanding payment. So i took a couple o' Z-12s and a couple o' benadryls, i shouted some grumpy obscenity at the whole irritating world, and (eventually) went to bed. i'm hoping today goes a li'l bit better.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


in the throes of possibly the most awkward lecture on abortion ever given...don't know how long i can hold out...please send reinforcements. and coffee.

i think i mentioned i worked back at some time in the recent past. Yesterday i climbed whilst studying. It was a reasonable workout, but not a good climbing session. Couldn't think why i was climbing so bovinely 'til it occured that i'd done that back workout. Couldn't pull through anything, and couldn't hang onto anything. Did get three or four v3s and a couple of v4s, but missed some stuff i thought i should be able to get. Maybe tomorrow or saturday. we'll see.

Tonight i'm gunna try to either run or work chest. my allergies are so bad that i want to cut my face off. Two weeks if this left. i think i'll go on GF soon's finals are done with. Neeeeeeeearly there.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Noggin Deer Ustov

You ever just feel like your half a step behind life? Like if you could just somehow catch up, or catch a break you might get some idea of what you're doing on earth? Or, at least, you might get a clear impression that you are here for some reason, even if you haven't figured it out? That's had me down the last few days. Can't seem to clear my head.

If i just had a dollar for every time i've felt compelled to start a post with something on the theme of "Blowing the Carbon Out"...

So saturday i did a chest/abs workout-ish thing. Not that it was significantly different from my other chest workouts, but it was free of inspiration and zeal. Yesterday i took some lectures to the climbgym with me for to study. Didn't really climb worth a durn, but it was more fun studying there than at the school. Got a couple of v4s, and worked actually most of the moves on a supposed v10. i question the v10ness of the climb, but i still can't do it, so who'm i to be a critic. It did seem possible though. Too possible for my idea of a 10. Today i worked back. Can't say it went well, 'cuz i was super tired and pissed-off, and just generally didn't show up for the workout 'til the end; but i did jack my bent o'er BB rows up to 185, which is 10lbs more than usual. And i got a bit more than usual on one-arm cable rows. Weighed in at 204 today. Irritating. i'm so friggin' sick of school that i'm having trouble crawling to the finish line. They've been making us take our tests in this tiered theatre-style classroom so they can watch us better, 'cuz someone's been accused of cheating. So there's just this constant stress of what if i get booted on some notion that i've looked at someone else's paper. It's idiotic. Who would be that stupid a few weeks before we're on rotations? But for now we're still treated like 3rd graders, and instead of just confronting the person, they'll just stress everyone out. And the bastards put our "white coat ceremony" at exactly the same time as the next Stone Cup. i loathe ceremonies. But at least it'll be the last time i have to sit in that classroom for a while. i think i'm gonna go back on Green Faces after this.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Family constitutional

Steph and i took the younguns to the climbgym this morning. That worked out mighty well. They've got members-only hours from 0700 to 1200 on the weekdays, and there ain't nobody else in there in the mornings. i think i must have slept well yesterday for the first time in weeks, 'cuz i felt pretty darn solid. Plus, i guess i had a longer-than-usually off week for the pingers. Highlights: got on this easy 5.11 on toprope, and tooled up it, screwed up the sequence royally, downclimbed to reverse and still sent. Main thing was i finally got this v5 monster that'd been mocking me for a month. Took two kneebars and an overhang dyno to the finish off of two of the worst holds i've ever stuck to, but i dropped to the ground smiling like an idiot.

Oh, and i did get that run in yesterday. One hour, four minutes--probably 8mins slower than was doing that run a month ago. i have some ground to regain on the fitness front. But it sho' did feel good to move even if i did it slowly.

Aeon's going to DisneyLand tomorrow with the grandparents for several days. Please pray that he stays safe wouldya. i miss my bo'.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Climbed today. i am rotting. Must exercise more/ stop poisoning me. Climbin' went better than i'd any right to expect. One mo' month of school. Hands are strong. Gut is growing faster than the forearms though. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Surgery test tomorrow. Paper's done for this quarter though, so that's a breath of oxygen. >Big long sigh<