Climbed today. i am rotting. Must exercise more/ stop poisoning me. Climbin' went better than i'd any right to expect. One mo' month of school. Hands are strong. Gut is growing faster than the forearms though. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Surgery test tomorrow. Paper's done for this quarter though, so that's a breath of oxygen. >Big long sigh<
The funny thing is, I've seen that picture before. It kind of makes me feel good about myself. Kind of. I'm not in school and I still find ways to destroy myself.
i "climbed" yesterday in the foothills. "Bouldered", as it were. One (1) climb, and my hands are meeatloaf. It's like climbing big piles of glued-together broken glass. Anyway, it was outside, and it was a pretty day. Gotta run. 'K. i'm going to run today. Got to. Soon i won't be able to; i'll have to roll into shape. i'd rather run.
I think im already to the rolling phase.
Ha! So how's the bike shopping coming along? Decision yet?
I've decided to realize that I have excellent taste in bikes and that I'm piss broke. Bad combo. I could probably afford a nice fixed gear. The hills are gunna suck.
i'll give you that: you do have nice taste in bikes. A track bike'd surely make a man outta ya. And you could probably afford a pretty nice fork and frame if you dispense with the 2K worth of components.
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