Thursday, March 10, 2011


in the throes of possibly the most awkward lecture on abortion ever given...don't know how long i can hold out...please send reinforcements. and coffee.

i think i mentioned i worked back at some time in the recent past. Yesterday i climbed whilst studying. It was a reasonable workout, but not a good climbing session. Couldn't think why i was climbing so bovinely 'til it occured that i'd done that back workout. Couldn't pull through anything, and couldn't hang onto anything. Did get three or four v3s and a couple of v4s, but missed some stuff i thought i should be able to get. Maybe tomorrow or saturday. we'll see.

Tonight i'm gunna try to either run or work chest. my allergies are so bad that i want to cut my face off. Two weeks if this left. i think i'll go on GF soon's finals are done with. Neeeeeeeearly there.


Pappa G said...

abortions are bad.

You're close man. I'm praying for you.

c said...

Thank you. i need that.