Friday, March 4, 2011

Family constitutional

Steph and i took the younguns to the climbgym this morning. That worked out mighty well. They've got members-only hours from 0700 to 1200 on the weekdays, and there ain't nobody else in there in the mornings. i think i must have slept well yesterday for the first time in weeks, 'cuz i felt pretty darn solid. Plus, i guess i had a longer-than-usually off week for the pingers. Highlights: got on this easy 5.11 on toprope, and tooled up it, screwed up the sequence royally, downclimbed to reverse and still sent. Main thing was i finally got this v5 monster that'd been mocking me for a month. Took two kneebars and an overhang dyno to the finish off of two of the worst holds i've ever stuck to, but i dropped to the ground smiling like an idiot.

Oh, and i did get that run in yesterday. One hour, four minutes--probably 8mins slower than was doing that run a month ago. i have some ground to regain on the fitness front. But it sho' did feel good to move even if i did it slowly.

Aeon's going to DisneyLand tomorrow with the grandparents for several days. Please pray that he stays safe wouldya. i miss my bo'.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

I'll be prayin for the kiddo, fo sho.