Wednesday, July 6, 2011


...fer 42 minutes on Green Mt. And that was just fine. 'm not so strong for the hills anymore, but that's just fine too. That can be remedied. Stayed pretty much 'tween the low 160s to the high 170s for a HR. Ran up to that radio tower on top. Just mighty fine. Had a li'l afterglow that stayed with me a while.


Pappa G said...

Did you take that ridiculous fire road up the back. Love that thing. It was always a good place to pick off mntn bikers.

So what does ED stand for? If you're gonna use medical abbreviations you're gonna have to declare them essay style. For example, Erectile Dysfunction(ED). As of right now I can only surmise that you are on an Erectile Dysfunction rotation, which is just weird.

c said...

i didn't. i looked for it, but i think it's further back than i ran. Plus i went the other direction. Might try to go again tomorrow, and i'll look for it again.

The D is for Department instead of the commoner Room. i'm working in the Erectile Department. And it is a li'l weird.

R6Medic said...

I'm glad your liking it Cman! I have plans of writing a book sometime in the future of all the shennanigans experienced in the EMS(Earn Money Sleeping) and ED (Erectile Department). Not my personal shennanigans, but from the stellar people dealt with on a day to day basis.

ED Clerk "Hello fine sir. You ED visit this fine evening requires you to relinquish 100 dollars of which I am sure you toiled over and currently have in your possession. A prompt transaction would be greatly appreciated."

ED Patient
"I regret to inform you madam, that I am currently unable to afford said payment at this time. In a large error undue of my own accord, I have established habits that could only be described as self destructive. To tender the required amount of dollars for this visit would certainly render me helpless in obtaining the required amount of ethyl alcohol, nicotine in inhaleable form, and perhaps some form of recreational substance that at this time the government deems unlawful. Please send me a bill and I will send the required amount of legal tender as to satisfy this transaction."

c said...

Yeah, thash funny. we had a bevvy of that breed come in last night. In fact, i got into a sort of political conversation about it with the doc i was working with. Had this lady come with pain here. And here. and here, and there, and up under here, and hereandthereandhereandhereandhere....Kindof a fibromyalgia-best-cured-by-fentanyl sort of deal. Nice lady though. But couldn't afford a full-time pain manager. i was kinda sticking up for her. She hurts, she wants to get orthogonal to reality...why not? It's her body. And the doc had a righteous cold streak. His take was that she was clogging up the ER for people who really needed help. He made a great point, but i wonder if i can be cool enough to hit the whammy buzzer on friendly addicts.

Pappa G said...

I could care less what they cram down their throats. You're right, it is their body and they should have the right to put a drug or bullet or anything else in it. Long as they can afford it. It's when I gotta float the bill for it that I got a real problem with drug seekers.

c said...
