Friday, December 30, 2011

Dunlops Disease

One week ago i climbed, and it was good. The intervening week has not been kind. i climbed again yesterday and it proved that. i'm a solid 5 lbs heavier than i was last week. Haven't et that much nutrient-free garbage in that concentrated a spell in many, many moons. i think i've overeaten at every single meal for the last 6 or so days. And when i was not busy stuffing glucose down the craw, i was pouring it down in beer and generally not doing anything active. Amazing how fat and sedentary it's possible to be. Amazing and irritating. It takes me months to drop 5 lbs, and less than a week to pack it on.

Last night was a fine example. We went to an aunt's for yet another christmas dinner. She brings out a crab bisque. i'm like Sweet! A nice light meal for once! so i had a second bowl and i felt swell. A meal well done. Then she says, "Well is everybody ready to eat?" and brings out the roast and potatoes and carrot souffle. And dessert. i kinda squinted an eye, and was like Really?! i didn't eat much more, but i felt like a jerk. i just couldn't believe how much food we were expected to eat.

Bleeeeeeeh. Nobody's force-feeding me, i realize. But there's been some social pressure.'Fraid there's no waiting for a new year for some resolution.

On a brighter note i did climb; and even if it wasn't my best work, it was movement and construction. And i got a new max on bench at 245. That'll add some spice to the coming week's session. And i'm going to run if i'm given the chance today.


Pappa G said...

I hear you man. The holidays are wicked bad for me. I haven't checked the scales yet, but I know I've got some serious damage control to do.

c said...

mmm. Yeah.