Tuesday, December 6, 2011


i, uh, got my hangboards put up today finally. That was something. It was 7 degrees here when i left for work. Don't know how hot it was when i put the boards up this "evening" (at 1600), but i couldn't feel my hands if i took off my gloves for more than a few seconds. It doesn't take long to get enough of that kind of winter. i realize it gets much colder in, say, north dakota; but i can't for the life of me think why a human would intentionally go to or remain in such a place. i didn't go to the pool today 'cuz i am depressed.

i found out i'm on call this weekend, so it's somewhat doubtful that i'll get to go home. Which sucks, 'cuz it's our anniversary. And it'll have been three weeks since i've seen my family if i don't go. i want to break something just at the moment. And the really amusing part is, i probably won't get called in even if i stay. Veeeeery bummed. Mighty bummed. Super bummed.

But there's no damaging myself too badly over it: it's pullups tomorrow. And i can't afford the proper poison anyway. Guess i'll stay healthy. Ish. Healthy and enraged. bleh.


Pappa G said...

Sorry man. that does suck. any chance you guys will make it down for Christmas? we could get good and poisoned, proper! And I'm making your eldest son a broad sword out of oak. it will be amusing to watch the children battle with these.

c said...

Excellent! We're sure hoping to come down for part of it. Got a couple o 11/11/11s to crack open.

c said...

Broadswords rule. ' Specially when you're watching someone else utilize 'em.