See here...ummm, swam on saturday and sunday. Think I got over 1,000 units in on one of those days. Yesterday I did OH press. 3/3/3 day, it was. I felt guilty for rounding down, so I didn't. Think it worked out to be 130, 140, and 145. Got four with 145 though. That was a nice feeling. Then superSetted db militaries and lateral raises. Getting a touch stronger at those. Then I swam. Swimming after shoulders is a really really enjoyable experience. Was just getting in to get some blood flowing, but a bunch of other people came in and got my competitive juices flowing and it turned into a 12,000m sprint. That was just refreshing.
That, and i just hate traipsing 'round in a speedo in front of other humans. So i just kept swimming.
nice. You wore the speedo. that's awesome.
I did. Very hard to swim well in trunks. Although it is a good workout, and significantly more stylish.
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