Tuesday i did nothing. Seems like we worked till 2330 or so. Wednesday i went in for the sole purpose of hitting a new max on deads. But i didn't. Got through the 5/3/1 thang all-righty-roo: something like 5x380ish, 3x405, then a single with 430. i think i could'a' pulled a double with 430, but i wanted to go heavier (as noted above). But then i stacked 30lbs more on and invaginated. 'Nother one o' them days when i couldn't get the air outta my guts. It just hurt. Didn't even really go down fighting. i dropped to to 455 and it was even worse. Don't think i made it past my socks. Then i was beaten so i cursed and heaped ashes upon my head. And i stripped the bar.
So to punish me, i did the full pullup program too. i did 5x75, 3x85, and 1x95, then realized i hadn't changed the weights to reflect the new max. So i strapped on 115 and locked it out. That made me feel better. Then i a set of 12 with 135 on BB rows, then 2 x 6 x 185. Then 2 or 3 sets of 12 with 115ish on good-mornings. Then 3 x 30 straight leg raises.
Yesterday i did bench. Got 'em all on 3/3/3 day with 190, 200 and 210. Then 4x12xbw on dips, and a bunch of db flyes. Then i swam a li'l bit. Now my gym membership's up, so it's just playing on the hangboard for the next week.
i'll be bringing the belt down for christmas. Methinks we'll be doing deads at yer house.
1 comment:
Next Saturday should be deads day for the both of us. I'm to work up to 460 on the final set, so you'll have your shot of redemption conveniently set up for you.
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