Monday, February 27, 2012

Back on the Borg Cube

Today i shelled out really way too much jack for a month's membership at Ultimate Fitness. The reason i did this is because apparently Ultimate Fitness is the only gym in town that carries weights in increments greater than 10lbs.  The way too much money i paid grants me access to an almost-comically large array of buttock-shaping machinery. In fact, they have another warehouse-sized building (that i refuse to peep into) in which they hold spinning classes, and (according to the slightly over-excited elderly lady trying to sell me on the whole package) sundry other jazzasteppazumbic herd exercises. Ultimate Fitness very clearly invested significantly more of it's retirement fund into the tiled bathroom and mirrors than into its way ghetto "free weights." Why can't a gym sustain itself by spending 1/3 as much on a mortgage, 1/3 as much on equipment and then charging me 1/3 as much money? i just wanna pick up a bunch of steel. Why do i have to pay a bundle to have also to watch people doing silly things with hydraulics?

Well anyhow, for my 50 bones i got to do 5/5/5 day on OH press. They do have a power rack, and i finally cobbled together enough plates of roughly the same brand and shape to do a workout. It was 135, 140 and 145. Then i supersetted DB presses and lateral flyes. Seriously, deadlift day is gonna suck. i mean i actually do not know if they have enough of the same shape of plates level out the bar. They really must'a hit all the garage sales in town.

On a cooler note, i got a call from a doc in Farm town asking if i'd be interested in a job in heme onc. i got a shining recommend from the surgeon i worked with there. And that is cool. i'm so intimidated by the thought of heme onc that i wouldn't even know where to start studying just to not look like a moron. But the fact that i got my name dropped frankly kinda chokes me up a li'l bit. And the guy said they'd like to meet me and have me maybe come out and follow 'em around for a week or so to see if i'd like it and if we're compatible, etc. Kinda wild. i'd appreciate the prayers about that. Li'l bit overwhelming. But definitely the good kind of overwhelming.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


So yesterday was long. Had a four hour mock version of our boards which i passed. So supposedly i'm ready to sit for my boards now and pass. That's somehow comforting. Then we had another 3 hour test over many of the same things but also an EKG read, x-ray read and a bunch of dermatological nastiness i.d. i think i passed that one. Had my last mock clinical today. Slam dunked that one without the jitters i had on thursday. So i think i might just graduate one o' these days. And that'd be just fine.

i take off for the dirty South tomorrow, so i sloped off to the climbgym to see if i could knock off my proj before i go. But it didn't happen. i had the crux moves pretty much wired on thursday, but today i couldn't do 'em. That thing is righteous hard, and it's gonna take a special, strong day do get 'er done. And i'm kinda glad. There're a lot of climbs i project that i think are really hard and even get a stiff rating, but once the beta falls, the climb just really isn't that hard. This does not appear to be one of those. And i'm absolutely certain i can get it. But it's gunna be a very crisp, superhuman sort of day for me. i just hope they leave it up long enough for me to get back to.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

...on my way to where the air is cleeeeean. Can ya tell me how to get...

Climbed tonight. Ok, ok...rewind. First of all, i passed my first OSCE (whatever that stands for) which is a clinical trial. Tomorrow i take a four hour long test followed by a two hour test. Then i have skills tests in EKG, radiology, derm id, and... i dunno, something else. Then another osce saturday afternoon. Then i'm free to hang out with the fam for several hours before i head south. Prayers. Please. But today was a good day.

So anyhow, i climbed. And it was good stuff. Got that "v5-" this time. And it really didn't feel all that horribly hard. The crimpers were intact for the session, and it makes a world of difference. It really is funny how one day i can't even imagine hanging my chunky butt on some hold, and another day i can hook it like it ain't no thang, chalk up on it, adjust my spectacles, wipe my nose, meditate into a transcendental state, then press it out to full extension. i knew that 5ish thing would go. But happier still, i finally worked out the crux moves (in a long series of crux moves) on this serious v6. It's one of those things: it has until tonight seemed totally impossible. But then i figured out the move, and in real, live, disciplined redpoint style i kept linking it further and further back toward the start. It's really a long climb for me, and every move on it is very powerful. If i can link it, it would be the hardest climb i've yet done by a tidy margin. It's maybe 14 moves--twice as long as most of the 6s i've sent, and every move is balancy and powerful. In fact, i've popped off of every single move on it. That would be a step upward. But i have the really hard bit wired. It's all about getting into the gym on one of these bird-are-chirping-and-the-sun-is-shining kind of super-tendon days. But i don't wanna get to strung up about it. i know i can do it. And there are bigger fish to fry in the next few weeks. But it sure would be swell to tick that one...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Clumb yesterday. It could have been worse. i think i was going for the "flame out" session before i'm sentenced to Deming for OB/Gyn. Ummm...well, my hands have been in worse shape. i can say that. i have felt more arthritic, and have at times had less mobility in the pingers. Highlights: i got a couple of 4s, and i barely missed the finish hold on a "v5-" that will end up having been one of the hardest problems i've done in a very long time. So even though my hands hurt, and i still can't crimp for poop, i have hope that i can attain a high enough anabolic state to perhaps one day heal enough to pull hard again. i figure descending to the third world for a while might just do my hands some good. i'm hoping to find a cheap gym down there.

...and because nobody read that post, i'll just keep writing until someone does bleeding read my handiwork...

Clumb again. Yesterday, again, now. It hurt. Really rather a lot. As in, it hurts to brush my teeth. As in, the 2 year old grabbed my finger, and i thought he'd broken it. As in, it hurts the nearest joint to tap my fingertips on my lap. But i caressed the finished hold for a goodly while on the proj before i glooped off. And i actually did get some homework done this time 'round.

There is nearly no skin left on my tips. It stings to brush my thumb across 'em. Good times.

Friday, February 17, 2012

D. Crepit

Went in today for 3/3/3 day on bench. Warmed up good, stretched a little first. Got the first set of 200 done, racked the weight and walked right back out to m' car. Totally pointless. Arching my back was like trying to bend a 2x4. So i ran some errands and swung in to the climbgym to see what i could see. That actually managed to be even worse than the benching. i left there after 45mins or so, beaten.

i climbed last night. It was not a great session, but it was an ok session. i stayed too long, but i got a mini-project that was kinda fun and hardish.

Today i'm positively arthritic. My back/posterior chain feels like it's made of cinder blocks. My fingers feel poisoned. i taped the really bad ones up to climb today, and decided i hadn't taped nearly enough of 'em. i am just broken down--old man-hood has seriously started catching up here. Maybe i'll take up running again for the next week.

On a happier note, i passed my peds test this morning. That's behind me. If i can make it through the next week of Summative Evaluation shtuff, i'll be on the home stretch. That's happy juice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Did deads and OH press today. 'Cuz i didn't get to do OH on monday. Which worked out to be just peachy cuz i just did another cram sesh on friday. So it was 5/3/1 day for both workouts. Deads was 355, 405, and 450. i missed a third rep with 450. But i felt all right, so i loaded up 470 and locked that out for a new PR. Happy times.

By contrast, i didn't really manage to finish the workout on OH presses. It was s'posed to be 130, 145, and 165 (on a max of 170). i got all but the 165. That just wouldn't move much. But oh well.

No accessory work. wanted to get some in, but there just wasn't enough time today. But on a brighter note, when i took the tape off my pingers, i'd extravasated blood into the untaped bits for some interesting hemosiderin staining. And how could that not be healthy: Forcing extra blood into sundry joints? And also i was down about a lb and a half from last week. Yea! i'll hafta get some blood work done and see how i compare with B. That oughta be a good time too.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Climbed. It went ok, i think. Not a big-numbers day, but i did a ton of climbing. Very nice workout. i degloved most of a ring finger, and my hands feel generally arthritic without sharp, localized pain. So mission accomplished. And i did some reasonably strong climbing, even if i didn't pull the finish hold on any big projects. Just left with that warm feeling that a big, happy, sick, sick day of pulling is on the horizon if i can heal.

Today is OH press. i'm hoping that i didn't really do much damage with the less-than-impressive catch-up session on friday. we'll see.

Friday, February 10, 2012

GarthWalker the Barometric Marauder

i've been a li'l off this week, honestly. i missed OH press on monday, then i missed deads on wednesday. Today would'a put me about 3 weeks off of bench. So i made 'em all up today. 3/3/3 day on deads. It was 385, 400, and 425. i did 405 'stead of 400 'cuz of the plate issue. i planned to pony up 5 on the last set, but i got that weird air-bubble thang stuck in my chest on rep two, and i settled for 3 reps. But it didn't feel like enough of a workout. Even did the first set without the belt on. Then it was 5/5/5 on bench. Should'a been 185, 200, and 210. Didn't get the last rep with 210. i think i could have, but i figured i'd probably be rolling the bar off'n me chest. Could'a used a spotter there. Then 3/3/3 for OH press. i think bench had a negative impact on these. 140, 145, and 155. i got one rep locked out with 155. i was just trashed. Didn't do any accessory work.

Did climb long about wednesday afternoon. Had the babe 'bout 0330 in the morning, and had to stay till the next day; so by five that evening or so i was pretty stir crazy. She let me slip off for a bit since the gym was just down the road. i think it went better than monday's session. Hard to say. Still not particularly great. It highlighted for me that i have matching biceps/brachioradialis tendonitis that, for whatever reason, just won't heal. Maybe that's stress too. And i also managed to inflame the DIPs in both pointer-fingers. That's getting old.

But my brand-spanking new bebe is awfully cute. Very likable li'l feller. You should meet 'im one o' these days.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Powered by Text Enhance

'Pparently now the Man can now create random links in yer text to other sites as though you endorse those sites. A soulless lot, those advertising firms. "Text-Enhance links are designed to create meaningful relationships between advertisers and consumers." And the neat thing is you can opt out :-D

i opted to climb yesterday in lieu of shoulders. Just felt like i needed to sweat a little--lube the joints, as it were. It was not a good session. i did get a handful of v4s. That's good, i s'pose. i'm trying to keep in mind that in the not-too-distant past i was very excited when i could go in and rip down a handful of v3s. And i recall i was very excited when i could go get three v4s in a session. That was a breakthrough. So i guess it should be a nice feeling that i can feel a little dejected over only snagging a bunch of 4s. But i wanted more. It was made just super clear to me that i ain't gonna pull at the next level unless i get very serious about losing some weight. And i do not know how to do that. i think that's what really got me down. If i can't get below 190 on a flippin' liquid diet, i just don't know what would work. i guess i need someone to spoon feed me exactly the appropriate number o' calories. Maybe i should'a gone in for shoulder work after all. Hopefully today...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pre-partum Scribble

At the moment i'm reposing in L&D hoping a baby emerges today. Thought I'd jot down friday's out-workings before it becomes superfluous. I climbed. Got my v6 project, although I tried to disengage my lower spine. The route is only 4 or 5 moves long, but it's an all-sloper problem. Start out hanging on a ledge and you throw a heel up by your hand, then lunge out for a terrible slopey side pull. Match on that and corkscrew up to an awful slopey pinch. Ratchet a left foot up to a chip (left still hooked) then pull across to another terribly non-satisfying sloper side pull. Get "solid" on that and toss for the finish sloper. First burn, i fell going for the last side pull; only there was a big juggy start hold for a different route right I've the start hold for my climb, and when I pitched I toe-hooked that hold, heel-hook still in place. So I fell but my foot stayed put, and I twisted around my sacroiliac joint and hung upside down from my foot. When I jerked loose I wasn't sure I was still ambulatory. I sat down and spun around and this couple working a nearby problem both clutched their mouths and looked horrified like I was in need of a good taping to a back board. Took me a few minutes of twisting and toe-wiggling to convincemyself of my spinal integrity, but then I sent with a new sense of how important it was not to fall.

Then I failed to go in for bench press. So I'm once again behind on chest. But it was a tolerable session of climbing. I can live with that. Now I'm planning to induce a labor. Thinking bout running some stairs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

scattered days

Wanted to tip in to ye olde climbgym yesterday after work to see if i could lay to rest a projecto, along with its ghost which haunts my closed eyes. But She was certain She was gunna loose a baby on the world, and i figured if i went climbing in the face of that i'd look like a true ass. So i came home and got some Plants v Zombies played. (i got the cob launcher, but i haven't had a chance to use it yet.) So today i was torn between lifting and climbing. i've actually gotten kinda attached to both of 'em. i hate having to face this kind of choice on wednesdays. It's an off day from the clinic, and it would (as such) be the perfect day to go climb for three hours, seeing as She isn't generally here anyhow. It is for that reason that i've taken a shine to sneaking a quickie in at the climbgym on mon or tues evening--then there's no temptation to spend today on it, and i don't end up with fulminant tendonitis. But today was deads, and i didn't wanna miss that. So i lifted.

5/5/5 day for deads on a 470 max. Should'a been 355, 380 and 400, but i upped it to 405 so's to get to put bigger plates on. Funny how motivating that can be. Anyhow, got 'em all. On the the bent o'er BB rows i dropped my heavier weight to 175 from 185, and my form improved rather a lot. i tried some face pulls, but i'm not coordinated enough with 'em yet to know if i'm working what i'm supposed to be working. Plus, i did 'em on the low row machine so's to have some leverage to pull against, and i ain't sure that's right. There's no machine with a pulley at face level, and it seems like it'd pull a brutha off balance from just standing. i'm probably over-thinking it, but that's gunna take some practice. Finished with good-mornings, 4 x 12 x 115. Think i might bump that up a notch next time. i like them thar--they hurt. i didn't do abs. Gunna try to integrate 'em with bench at the end of the week. This workout takes too long with abs. And i need to make some major tweaks on the ab work. But deads went well enough, and that's good. i sorta feel like if i were to stagnate right now, or hit a bad plateau, i'd just topple off into the abyss. Between school crap and the looming birth, sitting at home nursing a beer or 6 kinda sounds like the responsible thing to do.

On that note, i'm getting kinda obsessed with the weight loss thing again. Went to Wild Oats today and got a bunch of oils. (They actually have a pretty impressive collection). Didn't find red palm oil, but they had avocado oil, walnut oil, virgin coconut oil, and hemp oil. i poured some avocado oil on my steak this morning, and it wasn't nearly as weird as i'd expected--actually kinda tasty. Put some hemp and walnut in my blueberry protein smoothie, and that's a new winner. Hemp oil kinda rocks.