Saturday, February 25, 2012


So yesterday was long. Had a four hour mock version of our boards which i passed. So supposedly i'm ready to sit for my boards now and pass. That's somehow comforting. Then we had another 3 hour test over many of the same things but also an EKG read, x-ray read and a bunch of dermatological nastiness i.d. i think i passed that one. Had my last mock clinical today. Slam dunked that one without the jitters i had on thursday. So i think i might just graduate one o' these days. And that'd be just fine.

i take off for the dirty South tomorrow, so i sloped off to the climbgym to see if i could knock off my proj before i go. But it didn't happen. i had the crux moves pretty much wired on thursday, but today i couldn't do 'em. That thing is righteous hard, and it's gonna take a special, strong day do get 'er done. And i'm kinda glad. There're a lot of climbs i project that i think are really hard and even get a stiff rating, but once the beta falls, the climb just really isn't that hard. This does not appear to be one of those. And i'm absolutely certain i can get it. But it's gunna be a very crisp, superhuman sort of day for me. i just hope they leave it up long enough for me to get back to.


R6Medic said...

good luck in the dirty south my brother. wtch out for the MDs down there.. I'll tell you a good story about one from demming.. hehe

c said...

Well, lay it on me then...