Went in today for 3/3/3 day on bench. Warmed up good, stretched a little first. Got the first set of 200 done, racked the weight and walked right back out to m' car. Totally pointless. Arching my back was like trying to bend a 2x4. So i ran some errands and swung in to the climbgym to see what i could see. That actually managed to be even worse than the benching. i left there after 45mins or so, beaten.
i climbed last night. It was not a great session, but it was an ok session. i stayed too long, but i got a mini-project that was kinda fun and hardish.
Today i'm positively arthritic. My back/posterior chain feels like it's made of cinder blocks. My fingers feel poisoned. i taped the really bad ones up to climb today, and decided i hadn't taped nearly enough of 'em. i am just broken down--old man-hood has seriously started catching up here. Maybe i'll take up running again for the next week.
On a happier note, i passed my peds test this morning. That's behind me. If i can make it through the next week of Summative Evaluation shtuff, i'll be on the home stretch. That's happy juice.
Seriously though. Andrew Aaron Lewis. I dig it. Aaron was the brother of Moses. Can't get much cooler than that!
Except for Andrew Moses...but there's a fine chance of it happening. i still like Joshua, but Aaron's gaining in flavor like Santorum.
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