Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pre-partum Scribble

At the moment i'm reposing in L&D hoping a baby emerges today. Thought I'd jot down friday's out-workings before it becomes superfluous. I climbed. Got my v6 project, although I tried to disengage my lower spine. The route is only 4 or 5 moves long, but it's an all-sloper problem. Start out hanging on a ledge and you throw a heel up by your hand, then lunge out for a terrible slopey side pull. Match on that and corkscrew up to an awful slopey pinch. Ratchet a left foot up to a chip (left still hooked) then pull across to another terribly non-satisfying sloper side pull. Get "solid" on that and toss for the finish sloper. First burn, i fell going for the last side pull; only there was a big juggy start hold for a different route right I've the start hold for my climb, and when I pitched I toe-hooked that hold, heel-hook still in place. So I fell but my foot stayed put, and I twisted around my sacroiliac joint and hung upside down from my foot. When I jerked loose I wasn't sure I was still ambulatory. I sat down and spun around and this couple working a nearby problem both clutched their mouths and looked horrified like I was in need of a good taping to a back board. Took me a few minutes of twisting and toe-wiggling to convincemyself of my spinal integrity, but then I sent with a new sense of how important it was not to fall.

Then I failed to go in for bench press. So I'm once again behind on chest. But it was a tolerable session of climbing. I can live with that. Now I'm planning to induce a labor. Thinking bout running some stairs.


R6Medic said...

so any fetus pop out yet? that could possible be the fastest labor ever ;)

Pappa G said...

Yeesh. Careful with that spine, eh? Very manly that you went back and beat the climb into submission. Your unborn son will be proud!

c said...
