Wednesday, February 21, 2018

HB 5

It's been a slow week or so here. Got in HB #5 today. That was after a more or less 6 day hiatus. Did climb on Sunday, and it was actually a pretty spicy session. Working on something they're calling V6-7. I've got the moves on it, and just need to link. That's kinda invigorating.

Respecting the HB 5, it was pretty much a plateau session. Taped up a li'l high on the fingers and slipped some 'til i stripped the tape. Do have a tweaky right middle flexor, and that detracted a bit as well.

I really want to change up the HB workouts. Wanna try the advanced program from the training manual, but haven't been able to get hold of that yet. I also looked a program from Chris Parson...something or another... and that's intriguing also. I'm not sure my right biceps would tolerate that presently; but if i can ever get it to heal, it sounds like a hard program.

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