Sunday, February 18, 2018

HBing through numma 4

Ummm...Le'see here: got through HB #4 on Thursday. It went actually really well; but i was definitely not healed from the prior sesh. As such, although i was slated for #5 today, i bumped it in favor of bouldering. Justin and i went for a workout today, and it ended up exceeding expectation. I've done entirely too much climbing since I've been here--i can say for sure. It's cold and snowy, and there's not much of a place to run, so i've basically been climbing .... frequently. Also i notice that i cannot heal fast enough from HB workouts to do so gainfully every 3 days. So today, instead of hitting the hangboard, i bouldered. Interestingly, it felt like a pretty great session, even though i didn't manage to finish a single problem. Worked what is probably a solid v6 extensively, and pretty much got all the moves worked out. That'd be a happy dance in the works. Gunna try to hangboard on Wed.

I want to move to the more advanced workout on the HB. I think that'd be more productive at this point. I also need to let my biceps heal. Haven't managed to heal that so far. And i need to work abs again.

Did manage to get a run in a coupla weeks ago. Soon it'll be mt bikin' weather. :)

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