206ish lbs.
Missed a bunch of workouts, and i need to switch up anyhow to fit it around climbing, so i wasn't sure of what to do today. Tossed about the idea of doing abs, but i wasn't feeling up to it. Figured heavy back work would screw up bouldering this evening. So we settled on legs. Plus i had that lovely belt demanding attention. i'm a lot like a li'l kid at christmas when it comes to new toys.
10 x 135
8 x 205
8 x 225
8 x 235
8 x 245
6 x 255
6 x 255
This is not the same kind of workout with that thing on. i went up some in weight, but i could'a kept going. Legs and butt still got the full exposure, but there was no low back strain. Basically, the low back is relieved of strain almost linearly with how much gut-tension you can generate into the belt. Be interesting to break the physics down. Obviously, it's not moving the center of mass, but it seems like it shifts the point of torque forward. At any rate, legs and booty got a helluva workout.
S. L. Deads:
15 x bar
14 x 95
10 x 135
10 x 155
8 x 175
Left off the last set as i was pushing it to get home in time to let Steph out to work, and i wished not to incur her wrath. Did do that last set without the wrist hooks, unlike last week.
Needed more time, but it was a good workout. Hope to get in to boulder later.
Now that looks like a beefy sqaut workout. There are a lot of people arguing that wearing a belt is somehow cheating because it allows you to do more weight. Well, no $♥@#! The squat is an excellent full body movement, but the primary purpose is to hit the butt and legs, right? I can think of a lot better exercises than squats to stregthen my lower back. I say, "Strap one on and be proud!"
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