203 lbs.
Lessee.. Thurs. we went climbing on real rock. That was an ego shattering travesty. Yesterday i did a session in the rock gym. Turns out the quarter bottle of Lagavulin and half a magnum of various wines, chased with five hours of sleep isn't the very best pre-exercise warmup. Did get a V2 that'd been eluding me for a few weeks, but i didn't get my project route. Or anything else for that matter. Ok workout; bad climbing sess. This morning, however, i had one very fine workout in the ol' regular gym.
22 x BW (gonna get this back up to 30 soon.)
Cable Rows:
10 x 165
10 x 180
8 x 195
6 x 225
6 x 225
These were all clean. i'll start doing some ME workups on these soon. wanna be able to lock off one-armed with my body weight and reach.
3 sets of 10 with BW
i was very pleased with these. They didn't kill my shoulder like i thought they might.
DB Bench:
10 x 45s
These were kinda like being murdered with an axe by way of my left shoulder. They perfectly rely on the very specific strand of deltoid that is damaged. These hurt so bad, i thought i'd go do some pec deck.
Pec Deck:
12 x some weight
10 x more weight
10 x even more weight
8 x i dunno. went up in 30 lb. increments.
8 x the last + 30
6 x 220
6 x 220
That's all the weight on the li'l weight stack thingy. Man boobs or no, i like these things. They have a nice crossover value to the rock--i.e., squeezing like crazy. i'm pretty confident i'm not doing flys with 220 lbs., and i wish there was more weight on the stack. Interestingly, these didn't hurt my shoulder.
i skipped legs this week, cuz i never could make it in to the gym when i had any energy. This workout, however, is fleshing out nicely. i did sundry other things (e.g. bench, incline, delt raises, etc.) with reeeal light weight just to get my shoulder moving and see what it could handle. biggest limiter at this point is my weight. If i could get some semblance of discipline in my diet and get back into a regular groove on the aerobics, i think this regimen would start showing some very nice results.
Well, it sounds like you've been a lot more productive than I have here lately. I think I'm having motivational issues, but it could just be that I've been off my schedule for a couple o weeks. I really need to get back in and hit it hard. I also need to drop some weight.
Here's a thought. We should have a fat guy weight loss challenge. We weigh almost exactly the same. It would be interesting to see who can come up with the most efficient way to drop 10-15lbs the quickest (and healthiest). I really want to get back down to around 190. I think I can mantain my strength through the summer at that weight and be really sexy.
yer on.
We need a start date for an official weigh in. I haven't weighed since my meet in Albq.
If tomorrow is good for you, I'll post my poundage on my blog in the morning.
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