Sunday, July 20, 2008


200 lbs.

Well. After mon's. mediocrity i ended up having a fairly successful week of working out. Wed. i snagged a couple of v3s at ye olde klettergym. Ended up doing two sessions same day. And i blew a hole in the toe o' me shoe, so's i hafta go buy a new pair (as i don't think they'll hold up to a second resole). i wanted to get some back work in same day, so's i'd have time to heal for mon. (tomorrow), but it would'a been a lousy go at it. Instead, i went in thurs. for a pusher session. Bumped the squats up another 50 lbs. so i'm finally over 200 on squats again. Had a mighty fine chest workout with DB bench and DB incline. Went ahead and did hanging leg raises (cuz i'm wanting to start working abs twice a week). And i finished up with one-arm cable triceps presses. These felt kinda cool, and they involve the shoulder, T. major and subscap more than two-handed presses.

Then yesterday i tore my back down proper. i'm gonna try alternating heavy pullup weeks with heavy row weeks. i'll write m' weights down so's i can remember 'em.

Pullups x 10 warmup

Narrow Grip Cable Rows:
10 x 195
8 x 210
6 x 225
4 x 240
4 x 255
3 x 270
2 x 285
1 x 300

These felt good. The last one at 300 i didn't get all the way to my sternum, but i plan to correct that.

Straight Leg Deads:
14 x 95
10 x 145
8 x 165
10 x 185
8 x 205
6 x 225
4 x 245

This was the heaviest i've gone with straight leggers, and my back is unscrupulous about reminding thereof. It's the good kind of pain.

Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns:
3 x 10 x 180

i like these things. i lean back at about 45ish deg. and pull the bar down as far as can past my sternum. Works a vector of lat it's hard to get at with pullups.

Bentover B-bell Rows:
3 x 10 x 135

Experimental. Did these with a supine grip. i wanted to keep the movement as close to a climbing "low lockoff" as possible, but i couldn't get quite the same r.o.m. with a supine grip as prone. Had to use a wider grip to get a similar elbow height. This was a very fine movement. Mucho like-o. i do think i should'a done 'em before the deads though.

Lateral Delt Flys and Reverse Delt Flys (on the pec deck):
Some weight for a bunch of reps. Rehab.

Rarely do i leave the gym, pump a fist skyward Rocky-style, and thank God that i woke up that morning; but this was one of those days. Didn't feel quite so much like a fat old guy. i don't have much hope for a good climb sesh tomorrow, but it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Out.


R6Medic said...

that sounds like a proper workout there c man. I have to give yall props. I haven't been in the gym or on my hangboard very much at all lately. I plan on gettin a sesh in today to blow off a little steam when I get home.

Glad you're making some progress m' brutha.

Pappa G said...

Mighty fine. You got yourself a strong back there. You gotta figure those guys climbing at a 130lbs probably couldn't pull three hundo down to the chest, eh?

c said...

Grazie. Got Steph into the gym today. That's a good sign.