First, the weekend bundle: did an hour on the Dowel Rod of Torture on Fri. Didn't manage to get chest in (again.) Fri. night/Sat. morning we statyed up till 0300 playing Taboo. As a result, i did nothing whatever on Sat. In fact, i had to keep reminding myself to continue breathing. i was supposed to do another 1.5hrs. on the DRoT, but my swollen urethra won that one.
Yesterday (Sun.) however, i eked a good day out. A friend and i went bouldering in the foothills sorta early, and pulled down some spooky highballs up to probably hard v2. we wondered into this boulder field where there was just an ocean of boulders, and it didn't look like anything had been done. we found some really obvious, cool problems, and there was no chalk. There's a really popular bouldering area over the next ridge, but this place has easy access, good landings, just as good rock (read: it all hurts and requires a lot of tape), and no traffic (excepting the hot chicks out running trails that stop to watch you climb...who do not matter...only rapt focus on the route.)
Then i got in a 1600m swim, including my first 1000m continuous since the last time i trained to race maybe 2 years ago. Then i got in a li'l over 50mins. of "moderate aerobic intensity" running. The tricky part there was keeping my heart rate down. After the swim, and probably largely due to the heat, it was real hard to keep the ol' ticker in the low 150s.
Oh, and then last night we went to pick up Annie from a friend's house, and her dad says, Oh, bro... I got you a beer." He hands me a keg-in-a-can of Foster's. i'm all, "Well, i don't think i've ever had a Foster's before," and he says, "Well, you're in for a treat then."
Review: i made it to the bottom of the can, but it was a long, hard swim. And he's got me playing Grand Theft Auto at the same time (which i'd never played before), and Annie is like, "Daddy, why did you just run three stop lights?" And i'm all, "i'm sorry, hon, but i don't know how to drive this thing." Or she's, "Daddy, why did you punch that lady?" or, "Daddy, is that your car?" (then she fades out into introspective silence and sucks her thumb.) It didn't take too long to discover that it isn't really a children's game, nor why it leads semi-autistic inner-city junior high kids to kill each other over. Probably won't be purchasing a pack of Foster's or "GTA: Vice City" any time soon.
Fosters. Australian for honey flavored piss in a can. They gotta put it all in one can because no one would open a second!
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