Sunday, August 10, 2008


Perfectly miserable day of chest on thurs. Shoulders hurt, and i was really too tired to be there. Squats went ok, but i'm really glad i cut it short. m' butt still hurts. Swum sat. Put in 2000 m. there, including 2 x 500s. Not the best swimming ever, but i'm glad i got it in. Today i ran for the first time since Katja was born. There have been times in my strange running career when i felt like i could just keep on going forever, so long as i had enough food and water to fuel the machine. Today was not one of those times. The pain started in my knees, moved upward through my arse, and finally decided to settle down in the quads to punish me for the squat workout. Took me over 45 mins. to do a 30 min. run. Anyhow, it felt good to be out there.

Steph started back to work this next week, and Annie starts school (1st grade!) tomorrow. i have to have her there at 0800. The prognosis for continued workouts are grim, but i'm gonna shore's heck try to find a way (i.e., a regular babysitter).


R6Medic said...

Sorry to hear about your arse. I haven't done any workout stuff in quite some time. Im gonna hit the pullups and hangboard hard tonight when I get home from work. Maybe I can pull a few v3s at the comp. Who knows.

c said...

That's the spirit! i'm rooting for you.

Pappa G said...

didn't have a chance to talk to the safety director today. I'll try again tomorrow.

c said...
