Thursday, February 12, 2009

...Don we now our reggae apparel...

i want to be healed, dangit! No. i should be thankful: i've largely avoided contracting The Plague from my chilluns and wif, who've been knocked down since last fri. my head feels stuffed with cotton and i've gone through bales of Kleenex, but i've dodged the fever, inverted lungs, abdominal alien eruptions, general malaise, etc. i bought a bottle of Islay single malt, and i do believe Steph imbibed more of it than i. "For the cough," says she.

Right, and i endeavored to climb again today. Biceps feel a tiddle better-- i was able to do several pullups. Still can't hold heavy lockoffs though. i've tried to go easy and give 'em time to heal, but i've done some awful damage to 'em. But today's big failure was all in my head. i don't understand it, but there's a trend in the mornings at that gym. Somebody in upper management is seriously fond of Reggae. i can only shake my head and frown. Today i couldn't handle it, and went to the front desk and asked for a music change. i thought she'd dig when i specified "something a bit angrier, please", but rather than chuckling knowingly, she gave me a concerned look and switched it to the all R.E.M. station. At any rate, it was an upgrade. i sent one (1) route today, and it was a v1. i fell off of ev-er-y-thing. Destroyed biceps are working out to be a real weak link in my training scheme. i need a solid week off from climbing, but i can't seem to manage to squish anything else in its place. Maybe i'll start waking up at 5:30 and swimming. isn't gunna happen, but i'll think about it wistfully. Peace.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Listening to REM would certainly make me angrier. Here's a suggestion for you. Download Haste The Day's new album: Dreamer. Put it on your wee little ipod and go flash a V5. If people are "moved" by the music they listen to, how the heck to reggae fans get anywhere?