Didn't climb today. Went to the irongym for one o' the most random workouts i've ever done. As a result i can't remember what i did exactly, but it involved dodging people at rush hour, and picking up sundry weights and heaving them about. Something to do with a "prime directive" of shoulder rehab. In fact, i distinctly recall some Theraband coming into the mix somewhere. Then i left and went swimming. That worked out better for me. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i miss climbing. i miss my shoes. i miss uninflamed biceps. i intentionally didn't do abs or straight leg deads so's to have an m.o. for future workouts. Right.
And here's the funny anecdote for the day: Chemistry lab, right: only there's some cutish dork of a femme there for a makeup lab, and she joins us. 'S'a problem, cuz my lab partner's also a dork. So whole lab i'm trying to fight off my gag reflex as the Flirting Status-Post-High-School Dork Ballet unfolds before me. Halfway through i made it clear that i might kill him if he wasted my time at the expense of his goofy lebido once again. By the end i just had to clear my throat and they both got silent to see what might be the matter. i may not be all that huge, but it's amazing what the stubbly old-guy effect does to scrawny minors.
And i made a 90 on my pre-calc test. Highest grade in the class. Only i studied for 45 mins. for it and haven't done any of the homework yet. i felt pretty good about that, but i didn't show anyone else m' grade. i'm in a class full of "Engineering Majors" and i didn't figure that'd go over too well. It 1) makes me think i could be an engineer of whatever stripe without much problem, and 2) makes me think there're a lot of dumbasses what must be packing CAD terminals out there. Now the goal is to pass the rest of the class without doing any homework.
i miss climbing, really. And Trader Joe's has come out with a line of $18.oo single malts, and i'm afraid they're gunna kill me. Peace and Grace.
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